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A banner for soyjak.party

/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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‘cord just got blocked after Kereste in Turkey


Can you guys stop murdering all your women


>banned in Russia
>banned in Turkey
That's a good 10 million people who won't be giving Discord revenue anymore, inshallah we shall see it fall




Ban dicord worldwide


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>poccnR and türkiye banned 'cord roughly in the same time
Is there something I don't know?


Genuinely, literally 5 hours after I saw the thread about Russsia banning Discord, the same thing happens in Turkey. It feels related


Welcome to the team



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>I can no longer RP with my Anatolian trans GF in der cord


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>I can no longer RP with my Anatolian trans GF in der cord
Truly grim news.


Huh? Didn't think the first post would upload last. I assumed it failed entirely….


türk kullanıcılar arasında discoal kullanan var mı? bu sizi nasıl etkiledi?




Groom shield is up


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>‘cord just got blocked after Kereste in Turkey

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