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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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 β„–102266Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Say something mean about the country above you.




where's my wallet?






Your country is so unimportant that i dont even have an insult


russia more like trannyssia


Has no national language award


Mark of the beast




lithuania more like trannythuania


lithu hawk tua 😂😂


tranny hawk tua😂😂😂😂😂😂


belgium more faggotium, XIX century invent and infested with negroes and fanatic islamistoid muzzie immigrants and rapefugees including raisinroccans award




Name sounds like Hungry




raisinskin country


Post-brexit demographics


My uid neighbor therefore i cant say anything bad


Most obvious sameKING


Sideways austria


Poles are just white niggers with 70 iq


weed addicted fags who will sink into the ocean


burger addicted fags who will sink into the mcdonalds


Estonia of the brapkans


Is forever poland's bitch award


Schizophrenia the country


Suicide: the country


Poopson: the country


something mean about the country above you.


paid for bald man glasses site award




gypsy dump


Slightly retarded people




annoying femboy weakling


balkan raisinhole






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There are no words in any material human language to describe how brimstone and sulfuric somalia is for even thought of it gnashes my teeth and makes me weep


Isn't Lithuania some nowhereland that I only know cause they got an airline


Amerimutt nigger


Your men have to suck dick for beer money


kebab country o algo


corrupt officials


>4th biggest country population wise
>achieved absolutely nothing important


Upside down Poland


It's Poland, need I say more?


No you dont have to


obsessed with poland


Upside down monaco


raped and christianised by BPC






So irrelevant and nothingburger that i dont recognize the flag


(You fucking inbred retard it's Egypt)
Uhh they're drunk or something


Got raped by Germans, Austrians and Russians for 123 years award


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>>>102562 (You)
>(You fucking inbred retard it's Egypt)
>Uhh they're drunk or something


Very liberal or something


has ladyboys





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Schizo plumber above me




Mongol but better at cuisine


just mongol


Ohio of europe, citizens SOMETIMES act like niggers


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loves niggers so much the word negrophilia was invented by them


Blue chud is polish doebeit


Nope, i was on holiday.


nigerian dump. In 30 years it will become an Islamic emirate.


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NordicGODS won


Like panama but poorer


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Even if chineses are midgets and have tiny rice chopsticks


I don't know anything about peru. You guys are bad at soccer compared to the rest of south america, I guess


TRVTHNVKE, but anyway I don't like football/soccer and I hate footballtards


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Flag BTW




Underdeveloped mongol land


Drunk old guys riding butt naked in the villages of Stockholm


^brapped for holy Israel to own da yoropours or something


Weird accent


Funds palestinian genocide


mixed race raisinskins








raisintier version of Poland


annoying on the internet


The only one here is really gay



Arent you the same Hungaria who post kaworu x shinji art on /int/?


No? Why are people from my country so weird


Ahhh ok. Uhhhh your languge is heckin
incomprehensible o algo




Too much desert


>Too much desert

Gispy country who endured almost perpetual molestation by hungolians that larps as latinx.


you guys have lots of fucking degenerates hailing from here on the net


Women are stereotyped as prostitutes in the rest of Europe (and some parts of Asia) plus highest HIV rates in Europe







Landlocked and no mountains


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also alcoholic and suicidal o algo (not like we're any better in this aspect)


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Well atleast we have a coastline doe which makes up for our lack of mountains


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Who has Transilvania?
Das rite


Cannot eat garlic.


Sold their souls to the devil so now the name of their country is a porn category


Pretend to be white, even doe they are mostly asians.


Pretend to be germanic, even doe they are mostly slavic and no different from rvssians


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Have high percente of gooners


This thread will outlive froot


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I can't say anything negative about polish "people" they are just to heckin wholesome β™₯️ love from country that can't form a governmentβ™₯️

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