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A banner for soyjak.party

/fort/ - team fortress 2

a board about the sharty official TF2 server
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>uncletopia servers are all fucked and gone or hijacked

Soytopia's time to rise is now teens


Given the developments with uncletopia, the server is renamed to UNCLETOPIA-UNCLEDANE APPROVED SOYFORTRESS SERVER for a few days
jó éjszakát kívánok,


>Given the developments with uncletopia, the server is renamed to UNCLETOPIA-UNCLEDANE APPROVED SOYFORTRESS SERVER for a few days
>jó éjszakát kívánok,



what happened to UT? i haven't been on tf2 in awhile. As in what kind of hijacking or fucking over?


Pretty sure it had problems because of the new 64 bit update and people are paranoid over it, anyways soytopia changed its name to seem like an uncletopia server and ACTUAL troons and normies joined and played for a while.


nigger mod the server

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