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A banner for soyjak.party

/craft/ - Minecraft

Official home of soycraft 2.
Password (For file deletion.)

Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

File: giga35.png 📥︎ (2.11 MB, 1117x1182) ImgOps


Dear jannyshits. I quit 'craft, ban my account, and don't unban me for any reason. I will not be requesting an unban in the future for any reason. I will not be contacting you in regards to the server or my account there. I am leaving because you are extremely incompetent, installing vulnerable plugins because you failed to thoroughly check them, and choosing to use less reputable plugins rather than widely trusted plugins which update frequently, even when you're warned that these plugins have issues. You rollback players' bases and inventories without investigating whether it should be rolled back, trusting their word alone. None of you know how to use the plugins properly, and you continue to inch toward rulecuckery and faggotry. I'll bet you don't even know what's happening to the server right now (Hint: Duping is the least of your problems). I was right every single time.



please dont leave nigga ill give your items back


File: 605-389807126.png 📥︎ (396.3 KB, 728x702) ImgOps

GEEEEG 'tok immigrants can't handle basededness


fucking ban me already you niggers


why do you wanna be banned doe


so sonoro cant hijack his account or something


Uhm, nobody was bruteforced or hacked and won't be, someone impersonated someone from the old soycraft (a player that never played on the new server so you could just login as their name) and then griefed all of a faction's shit after gaining their trust. Don't worry.


Someone was already attempting to impersonate me in the IRC. Quote already fucked up (because he's an incompetent fucking retard) and gave him access to rockthrow's account. I don't want any chance for that to happen to my account.


fucking ban my account already you nigger

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