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Due to the amount of le hekkin maxxed out autists being mad about neutral factions, I will write le manifesto on why neutral factions are a good idea
Imagine you are a newGOD wanting to start out, then you claim some land and do some good progress on getting resources, then suddenly an obsessed fag declares war on your faction, steals all your raisin and lavacasts the raisin out of your base. And you had no chance to fight back because hes maxxed out with autistic slimefun raisin and full netherite armor with thrembillion enchants.
Neutral factions solve this problem, newGODs get to max out first then they will get bored of being neutral, so once they get netherite armor and some autistic op raisin they will no longer be neutral and grief other bases and etc.
Neutral factions also increases competition, Imagine if maxxed out crafters just grief and steal nugods raisins because they dont want others to get on their level, neutral factions solve this yet again and itll only be fair fights between factions.
>but le nuGODs are bad
Without them, the server wouldnt be any interesting anymore looking at how much oldCHADs quit the craft, if no newGODs start out in the craft then the craft server will die n shieet because its only the same people playing, newGODs are also nessecary to make the server grow, this server only gets 10 players at certain hours, i think it would be good if that number went up
Additionally minecraft isnt all about fighting and griefing and raiding, you can also build, make redstone machines and etc. buildGODs kept quitting from the craft server because they were getting constantly griefed and thus griefers kept killing the server by making more people leave, neutrality fixed this issue and now both raidGODs and buildGODs could both play the craft. Ofcourse, raidgods complained about how they couldnt find any faction to grief, well maybe you should promote the craft server to 2b2ters or something, because by then there will actually be war n shieet and the craft will actually be fun, instead of just griefing literal whos

Thank you for coming to my ted talk


I want to call this a TRVTHNVKE but it's actully the most basic common sense


its not common sense to autists doe


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how many times do we need to tell you to kys until you do it

the majority of the server does not want neutral factions wake up you scizo neutralfag you lost and you are in denial


>>11009 (OP)
This is common sense and people realize it, people still dislike neutral factions because they are too scared to raid other factions that have good raisin, you don't understand, they JUST have to run off all the buildGODS and new players thrn complain that the server is dying… and when it turns out its not actually dying, try to hook up lag machines to spawn.


acting like a nigger is aryan if you do it in a videogame


>maxxed out with autistic slimefun raisin and full netherite armor with thrembillion enchants
Which is why this raisin should be removed from the game, along with neutral factions and map borders shrank, so that nobody can make their base a million blocks away from spawn and just teleport in to grief with no possibility of retribution from the victim.


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nice fake you retard this is what an actual admin name looks like GEG


its actually him doe, i saw him post with the tripcode but some randomized name with the exact same message but deleted and reposted idk why doe


no amount of compensation will compensate slimefun autists doe




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>Imagine you are a newGOD wanting to start out, then you claim some land and do some good progress on getting resources, then suddenly an obsessed fag declares war on your faction, steals all your raisin and lavacasts the raisin out of your base. And you had no chance to fight back because hes maxxed out with autistic slimefun raisin and full netherite armor with thrembillion enchants.
If you get raided this early it's a skill issue + you were talking trash in chat and deserve it
you can hide your base easily 10k+ blocks out by simply making a bunker and not claiming it (because claims show on the map)
>Neutral factions solve this problem, newGODs get to max out first then they will get bored of being neutral, so once they get netherite armor and some autistic op raisin they will no longer be neutral and grief other bases and etc.
Neutral factions also increases competition, >Imagine if maxxed out crafters just grief and steal nugods raisins because they dont want others to get on their level, neutral factions solve this yet again and itll only be fair fights between factions.
That's the whole point of factions. All of us who weren't neutral had to grind under thread of death and destruction. Newniggers should not have a free pass to just stock up on thrembillions of TNT and maxxed gear just so they can go "tee hee, im gonna start raiding now", that's cheating and diminishes the value of actually grinding that raisin out.
>Without them, the server wouldnt be any interesting anymore looking at how much oldCHADs quit the craft
OldGODS left the server in less than a month. Newniggers have no reason to stay any longer.
>Additionally minecraft isnt all about fighting and griefing and raiding, you can also build, make redstone machines and etc. buildGODs kept quitting from the craft server because they were getting constantly griefed and thus griefers kept killing the server by making more people leave
The server started declining after all of the buildnigger protections (an entire area around spawn specifically for builders) as well as jannies rolling back buildnigger builds after they were griefed.
The server started dying because jannies were rulecucking, in combination with the crashes, dupes, lag, and shutdowns. Most of abstain left because jannies refused to rollback the base after it was illegally raided (They used a fake oldCHAD account to join the faction and teleported themselves there)
while simultaneously restoring the Agartha base 3+ times despite having been caught duping.
>neutrality fixed this issue and now both raidGODs and buildGODs could both play the craft.
>Ofcourse, raidgods complained about how they couldnt find any faction to grief, well maybe you should promote the craft server to 2b2ters or something
See picrel


>Imagine you are a newGOD wanting to start out, then you claim some land and do some good progress on getting resources, then suddenly an obsessed fag declares war on your faction, steals all your raisin and lavacasts the raisin out of your base. And you had no chance to fight back because hes maxxed out with autistic slimefun raisin and full netherite armor with thrembillion enchants.
This has literally never happened





None of these were new factions


All of thewse are old factions that, despite having netherite/op gear are still neutral. Nothing you said made sense.


Siberia was new and you know it.
Woluntas and Agartha are the perfect examples as to why a neutral opt in should exist. These were factions concerned with buildGODDING their base or the chudway, bled the server around 10 to 15 players because none of you could handle attacking other nations with OP slimefun gear.


Siberia was not new
Agartha was duping and running a candidate for president, the candidacy alone is inherently not neutral.
Woluntas got their own project permanently protected by jannies. Most of the server (including me) agreed with this
We need other solutions for builders other than giving them total immunity, that's the point. Others have suggested using cob coins as tokens you could give to jannies to protect certain builds.


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Siberia WAS new.
I will grant you that Agartha had a candidate running, but duping was unrelated, they had their decorative builts TNT'ed several times before for 0 reason, and then you faggots complain the population drops and where have all the builders gone?
Woluntas itself was griefed and quite a few people sperged that a lavacast was removed from their base.
The cobcoins idea is retarded, simply don't give buildings you find in (Neutral) territory.


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Siberia was not a new faction
No faction should have their base immune to griefing
The server declined specifically because of neutralfagging and rulecucking.
Nobody should be given immunity so that they can gear up. It's a survival game.
>the cobcoins idea is retarded
No it isn't, it allows them to earn immunity for their builds rather than just being given full immunity to all attacks.
>you faggots complain the population drops and where have all the builders gone?
Literally the opposite happened. All of the people interested in factions and raiding left after neutralfagging was introduced.
The remaining of these people started creating lag machines and griefing spawn because there was nothing else fun left for them to do.


>Siberia was not a new faction
It was like 5 days old at the time of the grief.

>No faction should have their base immune to griefing

Agreed, except that has to work both ways, if someones base is too far away from spawn, then they are effectively immune.


No they aren't. Abstain was griefed and the're 3 gorillion blocks away from spawn.


And when abstain was griefed, cried there wasn't an admin to restore it online, instantly used duped wither skulls to try and grief the entire server, and continue to doompost on this board 24/7, jannies should ban thrm from the board already


and your point is what?
Abstain still got griefed
Nobody wants neutralniggers. All of your copes are gay. 'teens have suggested other solutions other than full immunity and you've rejected them for no good reason. Neutral factions give an unfair advantage.


>If you get raided this early it's a skill issue + you were talking trash in chat and deserve it
you can hide your base easily 10k+ blocks out by simply making a bunker and not claiming it (because claims show on the map)
im op and im not a nugod, i simply imagined a situation that could actually happen in soycraft
and also not every nugod will go 10k blocks away due to hunger n shieet
>Neutral factions also increases competition, >Imagine if maxxed out crafters just grief and steal nugods raisins because they dont want others to get on their level, neutral factions solve this yet again and itll only be fair fights between factions.
>That's the whole point of factions. All of us who weren't neutral had to grind under thread of death and destruction. Newniggers should not have a free pass to just stock up on thrembillions of TNT and maxxed gear just so they can go "tee hee, im gonna start raiding now", that's cheating and diminishes the value of actually grinding that raisin out.
Trve. Maybe there should be a "limit" for neutral factions, like if you get too many resources or op stuff you cannot be neutral no longer unless you are a buildGOD
>OldGODS left the server in less than a month. Newniggers have no reason to stay any longer.
So lets give up on the craft and make it die, whats the point of it if you will quit eventually?
>The server started declining after all of the buildnigger protections (an entire area around spawn specifically for builders) as well as jannies rolling back buildnigger builds after they were griefed.
So builds should be griefed and buildGODs should quit the craft. Didnt you niggers suggest before to utilize "cobcoins" to protect builds? What happened to that now?
>See picrel
Maybe you should listen to your own advice


exactly this


>I imagined a situation that could actually happen
So, a situation that actually isn't happening. Thanks for clarifying.
The reality is that you can easily travel 10k+ blocks in 20-30 minutes with just a little bit of food and a boat.
>Maybe there should be a limit for neutral factions
there should be NO neutral factions. Even if there were "restrictions" they could easily hide the gear and resources they have, and jannies would be none the wiser.
>So lets give up on the craft and make it die, whats the point of it if you will quit eventually?
My point is that the server is so raisin that oldGODs left, and that catering to neutralniggers will not stop them from leaving as well.
>Didnt you niggers suggest before to utilize "cobcoins" to protect builds? What happened to that now?
That's the main suggestion I have now as a replacement for neutral factions because it's the least prone to abuse and it isn't unfair.

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