>>11009>Imagine you are a newGOD wanting to start out, then you claim some land and do some good progress on getting resources, then suddenly an obsessed fag declares war on your faction, steals all your raisin and lavacasts the raisin out of your base. And you had no chance to fight back because hes maxxed out with autistic slimefun raisin and full netherite armor with thrembillion enchants.If you get raided this early it's a skill issue + you were talking trash in chat and deserve it
you can hide your base easily 10k+ blocks out by simply making a bunker and not claiming it (because claims show on the map)
>Neutral factions solve this problem, newGODs get to max out first then they will get bored of being neutral, so once they get netherite armor and some autistic op raisin they will no longer be neutral and grief other bases and etc.Neutral factions also increases competition, >Imagine if maxxed out crafters just grief and steal nugods raisins because they dont want others to get on their level, neutral factions solve this yet again and itll only be fair fights between factions.
That's the whole point of factions. All of us who weren't neutral had to grind under thread of death and destruction. Newniggers should not have a free pass to just stock up on thrembillions of TNT and maxxed gear just so they can go "tee hee, im gonna start raiding now", that's cheating and diminishes the value of actually grinding that raisin out.
>Without them, the server wouldnt be any interesting anymore looking at how much oldCHADs quit the craftOldGODS left the server in less than a month. Newniggers have no reason to stay any longer.
>Additionally minecraft isnt all about fighting and griefing and raiding, you can also build, make redstone machines and etc. buildGODs kept quitting from the craft server because they were getting constantly griefed and thus griefers kept killing the server by making more people leaveThe server started declining after all of the buildnigger protections (an entire area around spawn specifically for builders) as well as jannies rolling back buildnigger builds after they were griefed.
The server started dying because jannies were rulecucking, in combination with the crashes, dupes, lag, and shutdowns. Most of abstain left because jannies refused to rollback the base after it was illegally raided (They used a fake oldCHAD account to join the faction and teleported themselves there)
while simultaneously restoring the Agartha base 3+ times despite having been caught duping.
>neutrality fixed this issue and now both raidGODs and buildGODs could both play the craft.>Ofcourse, raidgods complained about how they couldnt find any faction to grief, well maybe you should promote the craft server to 2b2ters or somethingSee picrel