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 β„–9798Quote[Last 50 Posts]

another tranny posted the pro-tranny 'lita (called it a wojak too) and got 15k likes. you WILL doxx him and blackmail him into deleting the post (and also send him qurans and pizza)
there are (apparently) three people running the account, one of them a pooner
the owner of the account:
so far we know that he lives in italy


Use a proxy phone number and pretend you’re his parent. If they say they don’t have him in their system say you got the wrong phone number.


Just to be exact, I misused the word "rally", it was more like a presentation of party candidates, but still a party related event with big names, still enough to make a leftoid freak out


no jews can see your real number


most schools have parent phone numbers saved. it's a pretty high budget school so they might go through the effort of double checking


Wtf why are there only 56 replies


do not use anything connected to your real phone, i advise you not to do it at all


>pretending im his parent and ask for?


No, use a rental or a pay phone.


try and just ask for something simple to confirm that he exists like if hes present at school. anything more and they'll start asking too many questions


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Ask for the teacher’s personal contact. When they ask for the teacher’s name, say you don’t know your son’s name is Emanuele Aracri and that it has to do with his math teacher.


I could phone and ask (obviously in italian)
>hello im am Emanuele Aracri's dad could i know if my son is in school rn
now i either got
<um chuddie your son left school 2 years ago >alzheimerald
>i get confirmed xim is still at school but xe might know somebody asked that


updoxx we are close


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Do this




yea but if he ask for his parents about the call i risk
also isnt it confirmed xim is still in that school?


shit question retard ask something more important but not suspicious


back from my nap italoGOD call the school and get an address you are our only hope say youre trying to find info about xim or something


this, we've practically confirmed he goes there already, better to ask something that can lead us closer to an address




We don’t know for sure if he is in that school. You can say your his uncle and make up a first name in case they ask what your name is.


how close are you to the school? if youre close enough you can sneak in and take a peek at class lists. they have them hung up early on in the year.


retarded im not doing this, this isnt convicing to a 70IQ retard
i need to ask something smart since i risk doing this shieeet


theres no 'risk' if you arent a complete retard


around 120km lol



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>something goes trending for like one day
>immediately some drawfaggot or some other attention whore pops in to further force same trend
why are twitter people like this


You can ask what the mailing address is for the home of Emanuele Aracri. We kinda know he goes to that school so asking if he is there might be pointless.


I found this ig page about some italian chess competitions ig, might be useful


yea and with what excuse i can ask for an adress, also i cant think of any burner phone number based in shitaly


We already know xe goes to chess school retardGOD


Im saying his face might be there


I don’t know of any phone proxies that work outside of NA. As for excuses, you can say that you haven’t been getting mail from the school.




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uuh guys i think we won


the question is why a random should ask for someone adress?


tsmt use a payphone, ideally one not too near your house


there is one like 500m or so from my house (dunno if its still there and if its still in fuction)


How old are you? Maybe you shouldn’t do this if you can’t pass for an adult man.


theres a pic of a class in front of the duomo here. did anyone else go through this?


16, my voice its pretty deep THOUGH


Can you walk there conviently? I'd say use it


post it because I can't access instagram(school computer)


You’re 211 and can only bench 140? Might as well become trans yourself


maybe can i like search on google maps for a list of them in my area, im quite sure they removed it.


What if you just said you were Emanuele Aracri and that you weren’t getting mail?


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I'm 14 you fucking meanie


>14 >211lb
might as well end it all


>sorry where does myself, Emanuele Aracri, lives?


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Yeah well I’m 8 and I mog you


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not a big deal by itself but it adds to the chance of this being the right school



I'm 6 foot 2 and play three different sports you faggot


your squat better be 500 otherwise it's over


holy shit italianian schools look like that?? my highschool in roachistan looked like a fucking box


They’re going to ask you what your address is, find a residential area near the school and use that. Then ask what the address they have on paper is.


Thats a church I think




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500kilos wtF?


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off topic but i'm 19 5'6" 120 lb bench




>they dont know the Duomo of Milan
low culturerald


we dont have churches thoughever and it doesnt change the fact my school looked like a box


Your school doesn’t look like this?


this is the duomo di milano mongoloid. the troon said hes crossed this area a few times


>your squat better be 500 otherwise it's over
wtf why? can the troon squat 499kg?


you dont know if he can. better be safe


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500? At most half of that. I can do a 400 lbs. leg press doe.


>muh italian history


do that then


I know Im not amerimutt


Bro leg press is not a real exercise my grandma can do that


I just wanted to be on the safe side


Also focus on doxx teens


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why do shitalians name their churches duomo di milano mongoloid though


you guys should try finding out his exact house while the itaryans figure it out. someone posted a pic of him with a window open a while ago, sift through the area following the M1 metro


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stop arguing guys…


also don’t focus on doxx teens


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Your grandma does this?


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could work, but the image isnt that clear. All I can see is a block of flats outside the window.


vox go do your homework
'teens focus on the doxx




various amounts of greenery next to a big skyscraper, it's better than nothing


>stole my screenshot

But on serious note, this could help if we could pinpoint background location



Yes it looks harder than it is, average gym goer can load 5 plates on each side


Looking at the caption it appears he might be at someone elses house


why not just dm him this thread to scare him doe it seems like "we" are stuck



don’t give him the chance to delete everything retard


that’s not xer house congoloid nigger


so is the school gonna get called or not tell the school we want to find the mail address and email of emanuele


I didn't think of that, damn. Could be a friend's place then?


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Don't the windows kind of look like the Lombardo plaza?


Is there anything else xhes posted that could give away the location?


in concrete jungle cities every skyscraper looks the same. thats a fair point but i dont know how many buildings like that are in milano


Possible, but to me it just looks like a tower block. I'll check the area out on google maps


i think no unfortunately calling the school is the last resort

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