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 97771Quote[Last 50 Posts]

Remember when a group on 4chan managed to find the room in someone’s house where a flag was based on the position of the sun?

Don’t need to remind me how scary it is.


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4Chan is the peak of teamwork time and time again!


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4chan is everything good and everything bad about society


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Rule 1 of the internet: never mess with 4chan


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chan is like Crusader who you don't want to mess with


raid the 'cuck with posts like this


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jokes aside what happend to the old 'cuck?



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Listening to Zoomers describe 4chan as a spooky scary place that warps you into a literal Nazi is hilariously nostalgic, I was hoping to see the old "hacker 4chan" bus explode on screen lmao


this thread is proof 4chaners are actually afraid of imageboarders, 4chan is weak and only relies on one person spamming a thread, insane, youll never scare anyone little 4cucker


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4chan is like one of those overpowered persons, who could cripple countries but decides not to, and goes on with there own enjoyments.


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4chan has been the hive of the greatest trolls in history. It's a true bastion of dissident politics, and quite ghoul at times. All in all I hope it keeps on going. It certainly makes life more entertaining.


You do realize everyone knows youre just one poster, right, your entire existence is a failure.


Everytime i click a "4chan history" video, i always expect things like: W.T Snacks, The Tom Green prank calls, Rick roll, Pool's Closed, etc.
But then again, why would i expect anything besides a bunch of political crap?


Forget about reddit, 4cuck feels like a clone of discord at this point


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4chan trying not to annoy the rest of the world:
Hiding behind a screen doesn't give you the moral high ground.



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kekking hard at all the toddlers seething at the trukes being dropped in this thread


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2007 4chan: You got Battletoads?


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4chan. The only place where everything is concidered normal as long as its a prank


kill yourself frogmutt with a superiority complex


youre not even real, youre embarassed in your delusions, its not even funny its sad


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And then 4chan and reddit came again once again to rescue gamestop in the 2020s and literally cause a wallstreet market short


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4chan is like
"let's find this criminal's exact location and ruin their life for what they did"
"let's make offensive things and cyber bully people "
"lets just fuckin call GameStop and ask for battletoads"

gotta love it lmao


Jidf is so bad, just a shame, look at them


Froot should fire up trumpflare, this thread is dogshit


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I remember doing this shit inhighschool. Can't believe how long ago that was now. Absolute Golden days of 4chan.


Anyways i Won, dont drag on me jidfers


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I miss when 4chan was like "Let's just prank call a bunch of Game Stops" or "Let's harass Scientology" and not "Let's further enable boomers to take away the rights of others and convince them that a fascist is Jesus Christ"


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4chan is sometimes the devil or an angel…there's no in-between


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I hope to never be in 4chan’s crosshairs


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Oh thank GOD you're reformed and didn't get 'radicalized' by those evil non-vaxxers!
Yes, you leftwing people do so much good for humankind! My unborn child already came out as the opposite gender it will be born! Thanks guy!


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That isn’t the craziest thing 4chan users have done


gemmy thread




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The whole objective of 4chan users seems to be making other people's life miserable


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4chan is just twitter but they can work together better


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Why don't 4Chan do something about the great firewall of China?




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"say the line, internet-jak"
"4chan users saw this as am attack on their freedom"
"Haha, love this little fella"


froot pin this gemerald thread


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4chan is a bunch of baby’s who throw a fit when something doesn’t go there way but people need a backbone to fight against a unfair ruling so for that I thank them


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This thread is vantablack niggerstone. Holy shit


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4chan is a force of nature man, if you piss off the community they’ll track you down and travel the seven seas just to burn everything you own to the ground, it’s getting to the point where I’m more worried about 4chan than any possibility of a third world war


<frooty patooty
It’s time to ban op I think


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Dude whatever you do DO NOT MAKE 4CHAN ANGRY they WILL find you.


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4chan users are like an military its cool how they all working with everyone


We fucking do that on the daily. 4cvck can't corrdinate for shit anymore.


Kill yourself retard


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Can they just go outside like jesus Christ 4chan is even good anyway


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3 months ago
4chan users make redditors look normal


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4chan used to be amazing. You could browse /b/ for hours and never run out of interesting or funny threads. The raids were also hilarious, I don't care what anyone says. They were fun times. It went to shit for me when the Trump campaign started and it was all anyone talked about. I'm not from the USA and really don't care which senile old cunt you want to be your leader. What I don't get about this video though is how someone with obvious jewish ancestry could almost become radicalised on 4chan.


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Wish 4chan could save us from bill c-11 in canada


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4chan is like a hornets nest, sometimes they’re little assholes and sting you because they wanted to but most of the time they’re fine left to their own accord, but god forbid you poke that nest….


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4chan is the true embodiment of the American Freedom


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4chan is full of losers and creeps


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So when those assholes on 4chan do somthing do they or literally any one of them ever even bother to look into any of the issues before taking action?
Or do they just see somthing they don’t like and completely don’t give a fuck about any reasons/consequences/ or anything.


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"I'm going to have to take shower". By far the worst outcome of all this for the 4chan user.


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4chan saved the WHOLE internet from being banned like actually


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protip for all the nusoiliberals that can't handle the redpills being dropped in this thread


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4chan is the only site that will actually mean something when they “cancel” you


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Bro what can beat 4chan


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Moral of story: respect every 4chan users freedom online no matter the context


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4chan is one of the most chaoticly united groups I know and I love it


nominee for thread of the month


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Say what you want about 4chan, they do have a good sense of humor when it counts


Just reported this thread. Her's a sage for you too.


Kys neutral n-word


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I read that as 4chan vs Time Machine and was a bit disappointed when I noticed the proper title…


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>Just reported this thread. Her's a sage for you too.


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Bro 4chan is smarter than Albert Einstein
guys learn your manners


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4Chan also suprisingly, also use their United powers sparingly. One example is when a dude was arguing about something with a trans person, he takes the screenshot and put it on 4chan saying "do your job 4chan". This prompted one individual to say "shut the fuck up". I laugh everytime I remembered this randomly.


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There's no way Osama bin ladin wasn't from the first things 4chan thinked of


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I am SO glad 4chan doesn't exist anymore


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>Just reported this thread. Her's a sage for you too.


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Ruthless? That’s just 4chan in it’s natural state, it’s not the first time they did this. There’s an Internet Historian vid about those moments.


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4chan is like a country an army (hackers) the people (normal posters) and a leader (everyone)


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best thread ever i can't stop laughing


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Every story about 4chan is always a bunch of incels who follow Andrew Tate on Twitter and who have bad takes on The Joker gathering together to invade an online poll, and then they succeed in doing it but the owners of the online poll don’t listen to the results because they were obviously tampered with.

It’s kind of admirable to see a group of people I wouldn’t trust to cooperate in building an IKEA desk manage to work together to troll huge companies like this, but at the same time it’s getting kinda predictable by now.


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if the lifeless basement dwellers on 4chan hackers worked for the government of big companies the world would be crazy rn


stonetoss fell off bruh ong


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4chan is one of the reasons companies dont do that many polls anymore. We just cant have anything nice can we? Haha


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I'm so glad I never got into 4chan as a teen. The closest thing to it that I got into was the Roosterteeth forums, out of which I made some good online friends that I got to meet in real life and all of em ended up being pretty liberal-minded and more left than right-wing leaning. To this day we still keep in touch. I do admit I posted some pretty dumb cringy and edgy shit back then, some even pretty misogynistic and racist, but part of growing up and maturing is recognizing that oneself was toxic at some point too and outgrowing those views, which I thankfully did thanks to getting to have a university education where I got to make friends of all kinds of backgrounds and ethnicities.


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the duck is 4chan problem they just keep fucking with people


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This is illegal actually the more I think about it the more things that 4chan do are illegal this is also just a complete dick move God I mean seriously someone needs to put these f**** edgy teens in their place they're not funny they're assholes and they make me want to commit war crimes………… more than usual


Pajeet thread dieeee


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I'm all for freedom of speech but 4-chan just cannot exist


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great video bro . i also once fell down this racist alt-right pipeline . i escaped before it went worse. glad youre showing others the truth and the cultist are going to upset that you are exposing them ,


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If all 4Chan users were armed with a rifle, they would make an awesome army because their plans are so stupid, yet so amazingly successful.


bot generated thread btw


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Nothing improved my life more than ceasing to browse that sewage tank of a site after a decade. Posting there turns one into a belligerent anti-intellectual with no positive personality traits. I just wish that I could prevent others from falling down the same path that I did.
not true


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4chan? uhh.. ive browsed it like once and i saw people posting their wives or something. it was not pretty. I dont think you should look the site up, its full of bad people.


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hold on my wifi just gave up, let me restart my computer


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i saw someone say nigger on 4chan and i immediately left



bumping this gem


This faggot spend his entire day spamming shit


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They're all different so it's not spamming


Die bitch


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Now lets send 4chan to figure out Epstein list

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