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A banner for soyjak.party

/chive/ - Archive

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File: ketchup.png 📥︎ (21.29 KB, 319x443) ImgOps


I will be revealing my favorite Media Pending Approval images from best to not best, thread will be unlocked when I am done posting, if you made any of these, please reply with your original filename so prizes can be given out accordingly!


It shall be done




a true hero


File: vantablack.jpg 📥︎ (7.66 KB, 190x221) ImgOps

File: linguistlovessoy.jpg 📥︎ (30.57 KB, 411x645) ImgOps

File: chudscream.jpg 📥︎ (7.31 KB, 177x205) ImgOps

/R/ won


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (19.85 KB, 640x854) ImgOps

>>>8318638 (You)


File: MustardIgnatius.png 📥︎ (31.03 KB, 656x748) ImgOps

>>>>8318638 (You)


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (12.87 KB, 191x255) ImgOps

>>>>8318638 (You)


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (19.85 KB, 640x854) ImgOps

>>>>>8318638 (You)


are you 'ju or rot


File: MustardChildut.png 📥︎ (23.18 KB, 524x516) ImgOps

>>>>>>8318638 (You)


File: rottentothecore.png 📥︎ (20.65 KB, 600x600) ImgOps


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (19.85 KB, 640x854) ImgOps

>>>>>>>8318638 (You)


you stole my prize but it was deserved. Love yourself, aryan.


File: MustardThunderf00t.png 📥︎ (29.63 KB, 529x538) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>8318638 (You)


File: AryanThunderf00t.png 📥︎ (13.11 KB, 529x538) ImgOps

you too, aryan.


you should've told him to unlock /sci/ too because that board is fucking goated!!!! o algo


I assumed I could only create/unlock 1 board. If they'd unlock /sci/ as well then that'd be great.


yay or something


Is it supposed to be a film strip?


Namefags are the reason sharty is dying


marge how is this first place


File: cobfact.png 📥︎ (22.05 KB, 775x1127) ImgOps

kys numanager you gave the gems either bad places or didnt include them and let the dusts and lazy irons win


Who's gonna get the board


theres no board, the winner chose to unlock /r/ for a week


'ju here this was my submission (sovlless brim honestly)


even doe you still haven't unlocked /ohio/ SLF


i got 'chup nice

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