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File: IMG_8646.png πŸ“₯︎ (66.31 KB, 320x180) ImgOps

 β„–73970Quote[Last 50 Posts]

FNAC is out and it's time to spread the word.
What good is the release if nobody knows about it?

>Kotaku: tips@kotaku.com
>IGN: https://corp.ign.com/contact (press Editorial News Tips & Content)
>PCGamer: https://www.pcgamer.com/tips/
>Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/contact (select I have an editorial tip)
remember to include the offensive parts if you want them to care

Big or small, we want people talking about it. Telling streamers while they stream would be even better.
>small streamers
they'll respond to any request in chat, but have no influence
>midsize streamers
30-150 concurrent viewers is the best because they get people talking but aren't too hard for 'teens to spam requests to play the game in the chat for
>big streamers
why not give it a try? contact them directly on twitter, don't be one of 1000 people flooding chat in their streams.
>'ackbox raids
start getting streamers to play FNAC and get some gems

redditors spread a lot of news. and why not mine 4cuck tears while we're at it?
Jannies often take up to an hour to remove posts on this very shitposty "videogames" board
very liberal subreddits
anti-woke subreddit that could spread the news




don't use real personal info (obviously)
hide your IP
you can copy paste, but modifying the write up a bit might help; if the exact same write up is copy paste spammed to every organization they might catch on and ignore it


Good point. But we can still deny affliction with the developers. Best case scenario they won’t dig deeper


>create fnac
>hype up soyteens
>delay it a shit ton
>froot starts running out of money
>decides to release fnac
>a bunch of news articles are made
>tens of thousands of people suddenly swarm in
>ads are enabled
>edginess very slowly culled until we're plebbit2
very suspicious timing


Medications ASAP

This VILL not happen


just like how soot swore not to sell to the very pedophile spamming his site (in his own words)


mods please ban this shithead he's only here to sabotage the game and any coverage of it
ban him and remove his posts


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marge why are u saging doe


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should've released it a year or two ago doe, scrap it and start another project instead


what i have foretold will happen and a mass exodus to 4chan will happen


soyjak hit and run pls


op delete your thread


op hit and run pls


kill op with hammers


how 2 play fnac


your ytboi c‍litty is leaking


be a hero janny and delete the op


how do i counter rapeson


you need to cover up your johnson. it's leaking


You need to stare him down until he leaves


File: 62429_-_SoyBooru.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (243.59 KB, 1920x1798) ImgOps

>be a hero janny and delete the op
Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: spadesonscience.png πŸ“₯︎ (134.13 KB, 1082x1035) ImgOps

>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


on the cam?


>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


>A thread about yuri games
Can we all hop on there and say that the best yuri game out there is the one that features Yuri pedonetsov and link it Fnac page on Gamejolt



File: spamerald.webm πŸ“₯︎ (5.28 MB, 42x173) ImgOps

>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: nusoinigger.gif πŸ“₯︎ (114.13 KB, 570x537) ImgOps

>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck



File: infinijak.png πŸ“₯︎ (5.47 MB, 5999x5994) ImgOps

>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (8.04 KB, 404x158) ImgOps

nuh uh


File: ohio ohio.png πŸ“₯︎ (65.23 KB, 737x800) ImgOps

>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: 360-blood-doctos.gif πŸ“₯︎ (116.28 KB, 700x385) ImgOps

>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: soyboy.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (5.47 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: 1716735966576s.gif πŸ“₯︎ (2.47 MB, 255x255) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: tony-soprano.png πŸ“₯︎ (22.46 KB, 600x600) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: flyexplodegem.gif πŸ“₯︎ (780.34 KB, 255x255) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: shrekson.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (70.99 KB, 775x849) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: papersing.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (3.06 MB, 816x1072) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: feralswede.png πŸ“₯︎ (97.15 KB, 1500x1000) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: discord-seethesoy.png πŸ“₯︎ (15.3 KB, 401x609) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck



File: xe's right.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (2.81 MB, 480x548) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: fullbody_.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (4.56 MB, 654x1024) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: BabaPhonk.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (13.76 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: 1716658745475o.gif πŸ“₯︎ (31.21 KB, 318x544) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


Calm down everyone.
We got a full well ahead of us filled with FNAC threads and seetheralds.
Don’t burn yourself out immediately for the gems are still ahead of us


File: seethejak.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (126.31 KB, 1200x1125) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: 1716592987562h.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (58.83 KB, 828x948) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: 1716512870832j.png πŸ“₯︎ (35.16 KB, 674x877) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck



what zip? i remember you used to be able to just download shit on gamejolt


File: I SEE ALL.png πŸ“₯︎ (12.01 KB, 425x456) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jarty cuck


File: brain.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (2.82 KB, 93x144) ImgOps

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jar​ty cuck


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be a hero janny and delete the op
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kys jewish fnf pedo jar​ty cuck


File: handblock.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (8.75 KB, 201x255) ImgOps

wordswordswords [x] won the soyduel
lets continue with shilling fnac


Should I buy a plebbid ad?


File: money.png πŸ“₯︎ (198.58 KB, 588x449) ImgOps

only if its cheapish doe



I’ve heard you can get one for $5


do it then
make a good tagline


I’ll dig into it and report back



can u control which subs it's advertised to?


File: salty.png πŸ“₯︎ (576.03 KB, 800x600) ImgOps

those unused content videos are cool doe


File: me 2.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.45 MB, 1149x1200) ImgOps

>i got a sort of ethereal feeling as i saw this post appear and cricket image load in


File: soytan.png πŸ“₯︎ (27.41 KB, 636x493) ImgOps

Soytanic Panic


She is my wife


I vvill look but I’m a mutt and it’s lunchtime


File: george juiced.gif πŸ“₯︎ (429.48 KB, 600x818) ImgOps

absolutely nothing to do with the thread your neck should be garroted


yes you won back to fnac



How do i delete my save? I used the /calm/ code and accidentally skipped night 2.


What did you just say?


Marge. What is the /calm/ code?


it skipped an entire hour apparently


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nigga where is the download, its not up on steam


download is on gamejolt



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I trans-heart love you so much, thanks nigga


how about filling this with fnac conversations



why do i have to wait 60 seconds to post geg


i decompiled the game and i found this in the files
has anyone had this play in game and if so, what is this?


File: disgusted.png πŸ“₯︎ (23.99 KB, 226x255) ImgOps


i do hear a weird sound behind me in the office when i play but its not that


Chudjak anal vibrator


All other sound files have been normal sounding but I beleive maybe the devs have included some secrets?
There is one more seemingly unused audio file I found, maybe this hints at something in the game, but i'm not sure.


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1005.53 KB, 1063x489) ImgOps

This is what it looks like through a spectrogram.


Can confirm it runs on Trannix with Wine, no issue.


chud's anal vibrator makes images apparently


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (545.41 KB, 1068x490) ImgOps

Here's what this one looks like.


wtf why is the embedded 'p image used


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Thread colonized


kek the cuck is a joke


Type the first four letter/numbers

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