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 β„–11294Quote[Last 50 Posts]

Any happenings I missed while moving into college


Go fuck yourself cuck twp cord faggot


What job do you think you're gonna get after college?


explain the cord


There is so much fucking crap I have to obligatory use just because beyond else uses it



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Are you rich or are you going to be in debt for the rest of your life?


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fuck off ivan quit tryig to attention whore here


make the clubs use Google Hangouts instead like a real aryan


Ai startup company job


can you answer a good question already nΓ―gger?
does she know that she went viral, how did people respond




ivan please go back to your discord/twitter gc


Sorry too many retards, she knows and I became a legend at my school but otherwise nothing else much


are there niggers at ur uni?




Sorry chud I don't come from there


kek the single cordfaggot trying to derail the thread so badly


No not many because niggers are to retarded to computers, tech schools only have Asians or Chinks


Keyed school Ivan


Did your gf actually date a black guy before you asked her out?


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Gonna get yo ass


niggers are tech illiterate and use macbooks




we've all seen your twitter and discord accounts and you were bragging about attwhoring here in them
stop pretending that you're a real user of this site, beacuse you're not.


I just came in to check what has happened and to give some basic updates on myself, have a good night 'teens, I'm off to poker


your jealous hes white and your not


OP here, I forgot to mention I don't post wojaks anymore, they are childish and a dead meme, I only post frogs now because they are based.


Coping hard cordtroon


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>t. Demoralizing oldtroonigger





>leaves when confronted


Can't check on how far this shit spread


>3 twitter immigrants immediately come to defend le heckin epic eceleb discord troon beacuse i called him out
the absolute state of this site holy shit


Good night, legend.
If you're over 21, gamble responsibly.


Just like that… He's gone


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>implying if he's under 21 he should gamble irresponsibly


Holy Fail


he graduated high school in may lmao
he's 18 or just turned 19


Shitfling war, lmao, if I sold out the prom poster I would of been doxxed already


They’re not gonna like this one


Gbye 'teens


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>>3 twitter immigrants immediately come to defend le heckin epic eceleb discord troon beacuse i called him out
>the absolute state of this site holy shit


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


stop attention whoring
the only people that cared about you getting to date some roastie whore with a corny prom poster(that had no soyjaks in it btw) were twitterfags and offsiters
you're a faggot and i hope you realize that


trvthnuke that killed offsite trannies


discord/twitter sisters….our response????


get his ass




gem that saved this dusty thread


Comes back after a few months to say hi = attention whoring


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How's this make you feel?


yes, this is attwhoring.


why are you impersonating me?


kys schizo faggot


who cares nigga


So then why wouldn't there be a follow up thread the next da


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so close sister…


the messiah


Twitter attention whore thread


Tranny keeps coming over never being a real woman





did i ask


Yeah, sure thing 'cord pedo


hes whiter than you


your 15 minutes of fame ended months ago faggot
go back




all you sagecord faggots are niggers


When we start doxxing xir?




It's literally the mascot of a 'pedo groomer 'cord


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>lets dox this random soyteen because i hate how he is whiter than me


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>blah blah blah im DEFINITELY not like other furtroons because XHE IS LE BASED…. or however the animal consents to s-ACCCCCKKKKK


none of you bumpcord people are white


If he wanted attention he could easily go somewhere else and get more


gemmy schizo thread


i aint clickin that shit






brown niggers coping that they cant get aryan pussy




Averi was shilled by a discord pedophiles for a while btw. So your claims of xer being LE GIGA BASED are nullified


gemmy savior of the white race, have at least 6 children


t50 ass niggas coping that they cant get that a10 pussy


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Holy shit, I post a 4cuck meme soyquoting a dickless faggot and now you niggers are hyjacking this thread sperging over a fox.


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>she is le hecking based and redpilled


Pedo furry thread


no its not
its a fucking drawing or a file (depending on if the picture is paper or on a computer)
averi doesnt exist


this guy is a literal discord troon and he found this site through twitter
this faggots eyes are literally the color of my poop and his nipples are probably brown too
he's mutted to extinction just like you


whyd you bring up his nipples weirdo


if your nipples are brown that means that you're a mutt


mine are pink uwu


Instead dof coping over me getting a gf you can work to get on yourself,


Op BTW lol


same ^_^ :3


whats ur cord lets talk


Thats fucking weird man why do you care about nipples you gross New York turd


Trooncord nogger look what you did to the thread

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