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A banner for soyjak.party

/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.
Password (For file deletion.)

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Why the fuck would anyone vote to keep /ihop/, a board with no purpose, over something like /an/?


Discord humor






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I swear when I see the votes it makes me very concerned. Like voting /ohio/ over /giga/. All the discord twitter humor coal is getting voted for. I really, really hope it's just cordtroons using bots. Or else this site is done for.


>I really, really hope it's just cordtroons using bots.

It has to be.


i'm not a fan of /ohio/ but /giga/ is reddit garbage albeit
this is the only new board i care about anyway doe so it doesn't really matter


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Animals and nature will stay or I will nuke sharty hq

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