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A banner for soyjak.party

/sude/ - Soychan 2004

lurk moar

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Our FAVE song "DoLL" from the new DDR!!

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now you've seen everything.


skibidi toilet precursor


Pingas. - PINGAS
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what's pop team epic


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mfw niggers exist
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Reminder zarty

You will never see episode 2
Your continuation attempts fail
No one gives a raisin about zellig anymore
Agugugu is used only for bait will be dead by thanksgiving
Mymy isn't a Anon
Studio Massa hates you and any zellig fan that isn't a dutch tumbrtard


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>mfw nigras exist

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No arrow


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you are an idiot!

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Anybody want to play Lethal League Blaze with me??? :D

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How do we like our frutiger, again?


fun fact: the traffic lights in my city play the music with the same soundfont

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So a few days ago an anon happened to google Pictochat simulator on google and came across a website that emulates the classic Nintendo DS pictochat chat app. When we started checking it out it was filled with kids, seemed pretty typical.

But then we realized that there is no moderation, no IPs are saved, you can easily rejoin with new names to bypass temporary blocks, you can even log in on various tabs in order to pretend to be multiple people at the same time.

We noticed an incredibly high prevelence of transgender people on here and adults that seem to be grooming kids into becoming f4ggy. Even trying to convince all the anons spamming and trolling to become f4ggy and that they were repressing. We found an online profile of one of these individuals and there was some suspicious stuff. Particularly that they were clearly an adult but they were following and being followed by furries and yaoi accounts.

Site: https://pict.chat/
IRC: https://disc ord.com/invite/nFj9V7gP8s

Use this to import images: https://github.com/WarpRomo/pictochat-drawing-bot?tab=readme-ov-file
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the dumb dog


lawl, so awsum

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Itt we post old linux desktops to make windowscucks rage and cry about how good le raisindows xpee was


nigra mod approve my files




dead nigro board


Left one is just an irix UNIX system, not a linux

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re-add /spice/

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lol noob

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nyan nyan nyan nihao nyan


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nyan, u say?

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why the phuck do we have an oldCHAD larping board since like 70% of the site is born after 2004 (i'm 2007 myself)


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you need to be 18 or older to post here newcuck


check if OP ever posted on /pol/ and pwn him if he did

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