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File: 2024-09-29_18.06.16.png 📥︎ (1.42 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

 â„–56922Quote[Last 50 Posts]

I'm going to play this ctm map that requires a lot of combat because I suck at pvp


File: 2024-09-29_19.29.22.png 📥︎ (1.1 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

im hitting myself in the face one last time to let me know that no one cares about my death


File: 2024-09-29_19.30.03.png 📥︎ (1.11 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

fuck my life man


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File: 2024-10-01_17.59.57.png 📥︎ (607.12 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i was kicked out of niggerhell because even satan is disgusted at an obnoxious filthy subhuman like me


File: 2024-10-01_18.03.49.png 📥︎ (1.06 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i thought the mob heads on the fence poles are husks, and i posted this image on the wrong thread, i'm actually retarded


File: 2024-10-01_18.05.22.png 📥︎ (959.95 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i wonder if you can make your soul stop existing if you fly into a black hole in the afterlife


File: 2024-10-01_18.06.07.png 📥︎ (1.82 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

lost all my stuff


File: 2024-10-01_18.06.26.png 📥︎ (1.25 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

a creeper exploded while i was crafting tools when can i have a moment of pieace in this map wtf


File: 2024-10-01_18.10.44.png 📥︎ (1.15 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

im gonna commit tnd


File: 2024-10-01_18.10.50.png 📥︎ (1.61 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

it dropped a pearl.


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these bastards ganged up on me again


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more tnd


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killed one with just my pickaxe. yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.


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2nd pearl, i got prettry lucky


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fuck you


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why are there soooooooo many skeletons &_&


File: 2024-10-01_18.17.02.png 📥︎ (629.82 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

thats the third fucking skeleton


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i love the first area being dark souls difficulty it makes the map very fun


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bro finally why is it taking so long to post btw


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ok. just realized im literally gonna die again in the next 30 seconds


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File: 2024-10-01_18.22.49.png 📥︎ (1.08 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i was right.


File: 2024-10-01_18.24.10.png 📥︎ (765.83 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

is this karma


File: 2024-10-01_18.24.46.png 📥︎ (836.44 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

why are there so many spiders bro i broke all the spawners WHERE THE HELL IS TI COMEING FROM


File: 2024-10-01_18.25.55.png 📥︎ (1.27 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

1v2'd skeletons without getting hit


File: 2024-10-01_18.26.31.png 📥︎ (613.81 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

woooowwwwwww, so prooo! am i supposed to compliment you?


File: 2024-10-01_18.27.41.png 📥︎ (1.59 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

whos sniping me


File: 2024-10-01_18.28.26.png 📥︎ (1.8 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

why cant i do literally anything without being attacked


File: 2024-10-01_18.28.37.png 📥︎ (806.53 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

there it is


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double spawner in the first area DOUBEKL SPAWNER INT HE FIRST AREA


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where did the skeleton go


File: 2024-10-01_18.32.37.png 📥︎ (1.45 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i finally got some nice torches


File: 2024-10-01_18.32.59.png 📥︎ (926.87 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

theres literally soawners every 5 blokcs how am i supposed to play


File: 2024-10-01_18.33.41.png 📥︎ (974.07 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

this isnt fiar at the slightiest ;-;


File: 2024-10-01_18.35.16.png 📥︎ (729.65 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

im at half a heart again :)


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File: 2024-10-01_18.36.23.png 📥︎ (574.91 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i literally cant see my health bar


File: 2024-10-01_18.36.37.png 📥︎ (639.04 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

there s defientelnty spawners down there


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hahaha he s fucking dkub


File: 2024-10-01_18.36.43.png 📥︎ (771.33 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

lolllll im fucking dead


File: 2024-10-01_18.38.56.png 📥︎ (519.65 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

…?! it fell out of niwhere


File: 2024-10-01_18.39.23.png 📥︎ (1.16 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

knowing how raisin i am a the game im defeinitely gonna waste my two pearls


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more coal mining


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File: 2024-10-01_18.40.59.png 📥︎ (879.39 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

…and hidden in the ground too. I'm getting chased by a horde of zombies and skeletons. I'm mortified.


File: 2024-10-01_18.42.45.png 📥︎ (1.98 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

i dont know how i survievd thta


File: 2024-10-01_18.43.41.png 📥︎ (587.87 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

ummm i somehow stole most of the loot from that house and survived the attack


File: 2024-10-01_18.44.53.png 📥︎ (1.18 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

how am i supporsed to fight 2 skeltetons and a creepaer with 3 points of hunger


File: 2024-10-01_18.44.56.png 📥︎ (751.13 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

aaaaaaaaand im dead aGIank


File: 2024-10-01_18.46.52.png 📥︎ (1.22 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

whoever made this map, do you intend mne to fihtgt this?


File: 2024-10-01_18.47.41.png 📥︎ (1.13 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

die speedrun 20 seconds or smth idk


File: 2024-10-01_18.49.11.png 📥︎ (1.51 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

threeuyre incvisibele and spammign arrows


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this is bullraisin


File: 2024-10-01_18.49.43.png 📥︎ (1.19 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

ib havent seven gotten my suff back


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theres 1000000000 skeltons shotgn at em


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File: 2024-10-01_18.49.56.png 📥︎ (251.02 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

death sppedurn snere wworld record


File: 2024-10-01_18.50.02.png 📥︎ (1.23 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

theyre inifvislne. thi si 1.8.9 vannilla,. i didnt install any mods or texutre packs. and i get invisible bowspammigfn skeleonrs. what. the. fuck.


File: 2024-10-01_18.50.19.png 📥︎ (607.43 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

finally bonked a spwaawner


File: 2024-10-01_18.50.51.png 📥︎ (1.15 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

look how many torches i placed while trying to fight the skeleotons and witrheres and zxombies and whateberv simultaneously


File: 2024-10-01_18.51.24.png 📥︎ (588.76 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

just made a crafting table


File: 2024-10-01_18.52.10.png 📥︎ (290.1 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

even more coal mining


File: 2024-10-01_18.52.43.png 📥︎ (782.63 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

from now on i am going to break a spawner whenever i sese it. letting them slide is causing like 99.999% of my deaths


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i got ambushed


File: 2024-10-01_18.53.20.png 📥︎ (1.07 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

you wont beliewve this theres like acfereeper it bliow up and theres like amillion silverfish emerging from the ground like the walking dead. that uis the most horrifiying thing ive seen what the fuck


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File: 2024-10-01_18.53.31.png 📥︎ (1.42 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

theyre schasing me oh god


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i cant scrrenshot the creeper


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well this took longer than expected


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File: 2024-10-01_19.12.09.png 📥︎ (634.98 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

at least nthey fdie in one hit. thayt scraed the raisin out of me.


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sapwneer broken


File: 2024-10-01_19.12.20.png 📥︎ (1.14 MB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

what. what. what. why does every bouse i go in fkoloded with mobs


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this town sqaure thingy rapidkly spawns mobs i dont know what to do


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i dont knwo bow many spawners i thas


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look i cant do anythign it s not fair


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i got shot vby the damn skeleton. im dead. im so dead.


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this could probably be so much easier if i have like 5 people playing with me


File: 2024-10-01_19.13.11.png 📥︎ (283.76 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

im not gteting sawremed by mobs trying to get back up there again. im making a shortcut


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shprtcut acquired


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i should probably find people to play with me


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too bad i have no friends irl


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wheres my stuffffffffffff


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theres spawner s everywherre


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nowhere is safe.


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cast yuor votes


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i have no words


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img onna get fucking killed again am i


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im a slut for johnson even in minecraft


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im jumping in this suspiciously designed water hole


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i feel like its gonna be a troll


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File: chud elongated philtrum.png 📥︎ (11.24 KB, 645x770) ImgOps

Holy raisin you are stil going


File: 2024-10-02_17.41.16.png 📥︎ (743.42 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

well im fucked


File: 2024-10-02_17.41.24.png 📥︎ (330.12 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

actually esxxcapsrewd without taking any damdage omg


File: 2024-10-02_17.42.47.png 📥︎ (162.57 KB, 2560x1440) ImgOps

someone's shooting me and i cant speinrt. for no reason. again.

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