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File: jarty breach.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (25.94 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps


Hello chuds, Im working on a sharty mod for scpcb. I am looking for help with some suggestions on what to do and for modeling help.

I plan to also include Soysylum lore in this as well.

When giving a suggestion on why a certain 'jak should be a certain scp you WILL elaborate.


Working on the loadingscreens and gfx still

anyone have ideas on what the chaos insurgency and mtf should be? Should chaos be Maxists?


>Working on the loadingscreens and gfx still

>anyone have ideas on what the chaos insurgency and mtf should be? Should chaos be Maxists?

Do you mean Marxists or is Maxism some sharty thing I haven’t heard of?
Also, make MTF Twitter tourists


lmao i see its a wordfilter, it's https://soyjakwiki.net/Cult_of_Max

MTF should be something that makes a bit more sense, probably just gonna make them jannies.


>>>53370 (You)
>lmao i see its a wordfilter, it's https://soyjakwiki.net/Cult_of_Max

>MTF should be something that makes a bit more sense, probably just gonna make them jannies.

MTF should be Male-To-Female now that I think about it


File: 54992 - SoyBooru.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (154.63 KB, 594x716) ImgOps

I think it would be funny to turn mtfs into amerimutts in military uniforms and change these random convos in the intro that they have while escorting you to test chamber into bickering about mc'donalds/burger king promotions, johnson and being ayan/hyperkorean or something




File: helmet_guard.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (8.3 KB, 256x256) ImgOps

can someone draw feral on the white part here


also done


holy nigga balls its real


>one month award


mods take a long time to make


yeah its a lot of voicelines, models, documents to replace, doesn't help that the person i asked to help me is busy or smth


File: QuickLoading.png πŸ“₯︎ (21.9 KB, 90x87) ImgOps

Hello chuds, since today is the death of the jarty here is the demo for the mod



File: 1696561062384.gif πŸ“₯︎ (880.27 KB, 238x160) ImgOps


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (407.64 KB, 631x717) ImgOps

>forgot to clean the saves off award


File: feral_guard.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (25.94 KB, 256x256) ImgOps

I have no idea how textures work so I hope this works. I know it was made a while after the request so I don't know if you have already done this yourself.


it works thx


Add a bossfight against deformed baby soyjaks with this as BGM


Maybe you could make 173 a babyjak btw


goated with the 'sauce, this needs to be the MTFcel


give any scp-049-2 instances a feraljak face


Every time SCP 066 attacks you you get jumpscared by a deformed baby soy


Make the cowbell ghost dude rapeson


They removed the 3d glasses


btw im still working on this, development is just paused until i can get a long weekend/break


make squirerell jak scp 1048


make uhh scp 173 be pure coal


scp 939 should be finger boys


make 049 rapeson because he touches you, and make his zombies be grooming victims


scp 093 should teleport you into zellig party


scp 035 should be feraljak mask that makes you feral


File: Oekaki.png πŸ“₯︎ (2.79 KB, 500x250) ImgOps

Im sorry mods moved this gem thread to the deadest board


He wanted that albeit


>3 months
when was the last update


answer pls

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