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A banner for soyjak.party

/frog/ - Frogs

Password (For file deletion.)

>>>/biz/ is open for business as a trial.

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You will never be a real board you have no pph you have no userbase you have no culture you are a joke board created by the nudev as a sick parody of the pedopond


>800 GET


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kys zartycuck


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>anti-frog posts still get us closer to 5k


Tsmt, stop posting you retarded niggers


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Let the frogniggers have their shitty containment board. I can come here and generate a bit of seethe whenever I need to. Unlike the johnson, this isn't rulecucked. I'll post all the soy I like


The what?


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why are redditors so obsessed with johnson?


theyre fags LOL


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