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/frog/ - Frogs

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>>>/biz/ is open for business as a trial.

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zellig gem on the log


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>zellig gem on the log


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>zellig gem on the log

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The Alpha of Amphibians. The Brute of Baiting. The Cultivator of Croaking. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Frens. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Keks. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of MAGApedes. The Naysayer of Nusoiсасаs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Pepes. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Rarest of Rares. The Sultan of Stickies. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weablings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.





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Shake it up is all that we know
Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see
Broken ice still melts in the sun
And times that are broken can often be one again
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Take a look around
You're out of touch
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Why do fat old boomers and smooth femboys love Monster?

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/frog/ should be the main board

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i love frogs


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ribbit ribbit


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no one loves you weab

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0 seconds in mspaint award


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GET nonetheless fren

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nufrogcacas board has sub 100pph and no hitlerflare geeeeeg do nufrogcacas really


we should raid tinyfrogpecker.johnson

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What the fauci

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Why are /we/ enemies with soifellas? Imagine what we could accomplish together, forging new gems, spreading TND and angering ancient 4cucks with both frogs & jacks


Soytrannies are pedophiles and faggots. Thats why


source: trust me bro

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does this board even use trumpflare? theres a lot of weabspam and soishit floating around


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if we enabled trumpflare the whole site would be banned KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK


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oh shit new board


it's a frog containment board

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