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A banner for soyjak.party

/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

Do not investigate.
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Hello all. We are a small group of biology enthusiasts seeking to recruit more people for our cause.

Do you love biology and are interested in living creatures?

Do you believe in higher evolution for every species?

Do you know anything about CRISPR engineering? Would you like to?

Do you want to join a community of researchers where you become a man of science?

Then this is the place for you!
Email me at doublel3331@gmail.com to get started


I'm gonna doxx you award.


>Do you love biology and are interested in living creatures?
>Do you believe in higher evolution for every species?
>Do you know anything about CRISPR engineering? Would you like to?
No, and don't care
>Do you want to join a community of researchers where you become a man of science?


'listed to the US military. Thank you for your service


Everyone does this


So by biology you mean manipulating human DNA with treatments you patented(edited DNA is now patented) and a gold plated silicone triple helix FNA strand? Fuck you and your quantam dot micro needle arrays with your bad batches. 95% of people get the good batch while targeted individuals and zip codes get the heart attack or cancer batch


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>man of soyence


..sooo….like what would this entail

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