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File: Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 1….png 📥︎ (812.97 KB, 1013x489) ImgOps


im going to buy a new laptop
im going with a system76 laptop
what u guys think?


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get a thinkpad and install gentoo


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>>>1608 (OP)
>get a thinkpad and install gentoo


bodypillows are aryan




Why system76?
They're very overpriced compared to buying a regular laptop and installing Linux on it yourself.


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>Why system76?
>They're very overpriced compared to buying a regular laptop and installing Linux on it yourself.


because it has coreboot


>use le hecking 20 year old computer because, BECAUSE I SAID SO OKAY!


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milk and cookies


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us ubuntu bvlls stay winning
<inb4 why are you hiding your local IP and username
why should i show them


cool setup. post your desktop 'fetch

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