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A banner for soyjak.party

/swa/ - Swaggers With Attitude

18+ | The REAL old iFunny experience.
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File: IMG_1296.jpeg 📥︎ (339.32 KB, 1080x1422) ImgOps


Was the banocaust successful?


>half of the victims made alts or got unin the naughty list
>barely any newfags, in fact this 0.2 presents per hour board is probably doing more for the app
>didn't make enough money as they shut down the brazil servers a few months later (club penguin and toontown also closed esl servers before shutting down btw)
>app is still full of good boys
>seen as unwholesome chungus boomer app to normies and dying rulecucked 'jeet dataminer to good boys
>multiple employees deliver presents toxed with rumors of a total deliver presents to on the way
>multiple places santa doesn't visit in development, will probably slowly outnumber ifarty in the coming years
they won the battle, but not the war


Hanging myself soon



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I haven't been on iFunny in over a year. WTF happened?


in short, i funny want to appeal to sponsers and they saw that user base was to risky, so the did a ban wave


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So that's it, huh.


File: IMG_4756.jpeg 📥︎ (213.68 KB, 688x614) ImgOps

I have a solution. Trvst the plQn!



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