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A banner for soyjak.party

/sn/ - Soynights & Servers

Game nights

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IP : tf2.soyjak.st
Discuss the state of the server, map additions, removals and so on.
17 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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IP : css.soyjak.st

Discuss the state of the cs:source server, the map pool and so on.
23 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anyone wanna play?i'm in the server waiting for a gem to join

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/sn/ is a board for Sharty Gamenights, Official Servers (TF2, CSS, HLDM), and Sharty-related slowburn mods for vidya. (YOU) can also host unofficial servers and gamenights and have this place act a main hub for discussions to be held about them.
The official server for the team-based shooter, Team Fortress 2. Gamenights happen on every Friday and Sunday (1PM CST)
IP: tf2.soyjak.st
Official OldGOD server for Half Life : Deathmatch
The official server for Counter Strike : Source, vanilla maps only.
IP: css.soyjak.st
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


You can use these E-Mails for any suggestions for the servers.

Soytopia : mist@soyjak.st
CS_SOY : steve@soyjak.st

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The CSS server is non-Steam so if you do not have a copy of CSS on Steam you can use 7Launcher to download a copy for free, courtesy of the Russian Federation. It is tested safe and is a download even the dumbest nuelfs can do (no torrenting required). Once you download the executable off 7Launcher's website by clicking the button in first picrel just run the .exe downloaded, follow the download wizard, and let the launcher verify the files once opened. Once it is finished verifying the game should boot when you click PLAY in the bottom right corner of the launcher (shown in second picrel). You will be able to connect to cs_soy no issue with this install. As far as I know the only things that don't work with the non-Steam copy is the server Message of the Day doesn't work and profile pics don't work, other than that its all the same.

>7Launcher website

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Works on my machine


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>>>224 (You)
>Works on my machine


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Doesn't work nigger


Show Quotes

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how do i get raisin for free.

I'm a black trans queen who robs gas stations for pocket change btw


specifically raisin like CS:S and HL:DM o algo

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why can't soykeks ever come together as a community


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can someone make a dod:s server? the game is dead and it can be revived by soyteens. the game premise is pretty chuddy o algo.



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DNB board


drum and rape

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Soycollection owes us a Soymigrad server

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its been confirmed that the counter on /soy/ is when this site will shut down


>>350 (OP)
How do you know this

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