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Does observation of particles actually change particle properties from wave to particle? How does it work?


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (309.07 KB, 640x916) ImgOps

Doubt it, it's just a bunch of faggy nerd shit the jews forced Steven Hawking to say because he was a vegetable hooked up to a computer

And somehow he still raped kids @ Jeffery Epstein's island despite not being able to move


they puppeteered him fucking kids and then blackmailed him into saying it


>I'm goooonnnaa QUANTUUUUUUUMMMM!!!


wasn't nikola tesla dead before the turn of the 19th century


All ”observervations" are made by bouncing a photon or something else off the thing you are trying to observe. The act of the photon bouncing off the particle you are observing is what collapses the wave function and the fact you see it afterwards is strictly incedintal.


Weird how new physics fell through the floor after WWII

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