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Thoughts on picrel as a cheap Linux machine? I know it seems terrible but I did some research and the N200 is actually twice as powerful as the dual-core i3 in my current shitty laptop. The other nice thing is that it has a 53wh battery (which should provide excellent battery life combined with the 6w N200). This is basically the only subcompact (11.6") laptop I could find that has more than 4GB of RAM, better storage than eMMC, and a quad-core nu-Atom instead of a dual-core.
As for the specific distro, I'll probably use Debian with MATE. Not the most appealing combo but it should be rock solid.


porpirtairy garbage


Don’t get it. N200 is slow as balls. You are paying $500 for a business product for yourself. You can get a M1 MacBook Air from Costco for $750 with coupon which has stellar battery life. Or get some random Dell Latitude off eBay for $200.


x220 gentoo nigger install glowing bloat gnu/ test propriety ywnbaw stallman test mogs >32nm xorg smith penis linux test K&R pajeet iPhone test


Holy shit just buy a used thinkpad, I have one with an i7 and a 4k screen for less than this


Xhe’s right


>buying this shit for $500
jesus christ, that shit is worth $300 brand new at most
with a budget of $500 you should be able to find a much better one on the used market
for reference what's your current laptop?


nigger go fuck yourself, he said Linux machine the only linux you can run on M1 is asahi and thats troontastic nonworking garbage


Literal e-waste. Nothing with a HDD and a 1366x768 display is worth $519.


Have you tried it?


The solution is not using troonix dipshit. The second I see "GNU" or "Linux" malware installed on a computer I uninstall it.


says the one using fagOS


MacOS and Windows aren’t malware.
β€œGNU” and β€œLinux” are.
This is not difficult to understand


Android phones use the Linux kernel. If you're not using an iFag phone than you have unremovable Linux on your electronics. and MacOSX has GNU utilities all over because all modern UNIX environments do, even BSD ends up with some GNU utilities.


that thing isnt worth $50 let alone 500


yes, shit doesn't work, as expected cause arm devices aren't real computers


>unremovable Linux on your electronics
Like I said, Linux is malware. I use an iPhone because I avoid Linux malware
>MacOS has GNU utilities
Which Apple is over time replacing with non-malware utilities licensed under non malware licenses.


>Like I said, Linux is malware. I use an iPhone because I avoid Linux malware
Enjoy using your locked down iShit with missing features you can't install your own programs on to post to an imageboard hosted on Ubuntu LINUX server, a Canonical distribution.
>Which Apple is over time replacing with non-malware utilities licensed under non malware licenses.
Zsh is a meme, and I don't know how the university of soyifornia, most liberal neighborhood of soy francisco campus licensed stuff is any less malware. Or the massoyichussets institute of soychnology shite. Or the silicon valley suburb of soy francisco Apple in-house shite which is really half soykley and half niggergie consume watermellon code.
You say GNU is malware and then use research university soyftware from the most liberal universities on earth put together by a literal fortune 500 fucking shitcompany that openly hates whitey, using compilers from retards with pronouns in bio and a der'cord with an "iNcLuSIvITY" channel (LLVM)


I forgot to mention using a locked down malware CPU with an unmodifiable bootloader that only boots mach-soy executables on the soldered in SSD with nonstandard extensions that break compatibility with other operating systems (like literal malware taking away your control of your hardware) for an instruction set architecture designed by a fucking troon
Roger Wilson, Arm, Apple M1


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>you can't install your own programs on to post to an imageboard
People shouldn't phonepost. Cell phones are for calling people. smh
>Ubuntu LINUX server
No wonder why the site is so slow and goes down so often.
>You say GNU is malware and then use research university soyftware from the most liberal universities on earth put together by a literal fortune 500 fucking shitcompany that openly hates whitey, using compilers from retards with pronouns in bio and a der'cord with an "iNcLuSIvITY" channel (LLVM)
LLVM makes up for all of this because I don't need to keep 49 toolchains on my computer for each combination of target tuple.
>instruction set architecture designed by a fucking troon Roger Wilson, Arm, Apple M1
This is why everyone should use Windows.


Because IBM and Google, who develop much of Linux, are totally not shitlib companies.


fag flag on taskbar shill


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wordswordswords, just install NetBSD.


please stop telling people to install malware.



Malware is based and epin (a portmanteau of "epic" and "win"). Wait, do you actually only install Bonware? LMAO

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