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>he's a developer
>for a FOSS project
>that is controlled by big tech (GNU, Mozilla, Linux, Apache, etc.)
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he closes bug reports he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has to dilate.
>he marks issues he doesn't like as WONTFIX because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends


File: ABSOLUTE FUCKING DEGENERAC….jpg πŸ“₯︎ (1.97 MB, 3840x2160) ImgOps

lunix trannies btfo


retard if the majority use Windows then in your logic Windows is tranny software


>he doesn't understand how per capita works


pretty sure this tranny hasnt been a developer in years. he just pushes globohomo shit nowadays.


per capita is weak shitskin cope because whites make up only like 1% of "human" population


Another wintoddler who knows nothing about open-source development. Go back to your python scripts


*Powershell scripts
Powershell is 10000% better than bash because it was designed by Redmond chuds while UNIX shell was designed by New Jersey soyboys


Linux's primary purpose for people here is so the biggest, most retarded losers/trannies (people who even other nerds see as completely retarded losers) with Reddit terminals and ewaste can cope in various ways and LARP as leet haxors "i run da 1337 90's hacker terminal os dey haz on SOOPERCOMTOOTERS" [aka i can figure out the same ugly archaic dos terminal my worthless boomer office wagie parents did 30 years ago] in their freetard safespace without being laughed at so hard they commit suicide.



Csh (the ancestor of features in all the shells you actually fucking use) was developed at the Berkeley campus of University of.California, albeit
>but clorifornia librul!
Retard, Redmond is in Seattle metro, Washington state, a West Coast state. And Seattle is within spitting distance of similarities with SF bay


PNW culture was and still is not the same as Cali culture.


Please refer to the educational video


neither of those states were really "liberal" back in the day


>my retarded clusterfuck is different from their retarded clusterfuck
filtered by Eastern Time Zone

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