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The global warming hoax is officially finished


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>goonclown eyes


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Make sure to use your mouthwash, goy
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imagine wanting kids


How the dumbnigger fuck is that germ theory denialism? Is Wikipedia retarded? That's just saying "gee maybe don't be immunocompromized with goyslop in your system daily and you might not get infected"


It's not just wikipedia that is retarded, but germ theory and science and modern medicine in general




No, >>25513 believes in terrain theory


Soyence "enthusiasts" amaze me to no end. Despite watching 100500 tv shows, kurzgesagt episodes and youtube video essays on SPACE, they can't connect the dots and notice something's wrong.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titius%E2%80%93Bode_law see this Aryan empirical formula that predicted the orbit of the 'roid belt and Uranus which wasn't discovered yet. Kikematicians hate empirical formulas because they work without a peer-reviewed fully proven explanation.

"Recent astronomical research suggests that planetary systems around some other stars may follow Titius–Bode-like laws.[28][29] Bovaird and Lineweaver[30] applied a generalized Titius–Bode relation to 68 exoplanet systems that contain four or more planets. They showed that 96% of these exoplanet systems adhere to a generalized Titius–Bode relation to a similar or greater extent than the Solar System does." – this raisin works. Even objects like Pluto Eris and some other bs from soy documentaries have their number somewhere there. Except for Neptune which "falls out of line" with this formula and its index is between 6 and 7. Obviously maybe because there *is* an integer between 6 and 7? Naaaah, better to ignore this absolute godly law discovered by the Aryan spirit. Fuck I really don't understand the soy people.
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I mean it does work the same as major error between Venus and Earth. Although, I don't know why you would want to use major error math.


You do know that you can fit any data with a Fourier or Maclaurin series and get perfect results if you don't care about the underlying causes.


you live on a planet where big bang braindamage theory is generally accepted as truth even though christcuck made it up to sabotage science and turn it into new religion where anything and everything is accepted as fact because soyentists found out or something


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that kind of faggotry was all dictated in the protocols of the elders of zion
protocol 2, parts 2 & 3


Nigga that shit wasn't us it was some catholic dude who came up with it and then the reddiathiest niggers stole it

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I just got my fat CHECHH01 PS3 and its loud as fuck, even after replacing the thermal paste. what do I do to make it quiet?
>i dont look like this evn&oe I have multiple sony products




pstripleGOD your fan might be fucked, try a new one or something


did you install webman/multiman or whatever was taking care of your fan?
you can adjust your fan speed but should leave it running fast enough because SNOY shipped crappy fans with their consoles and intentionally let them overheat to make you buy new hardware after 5 years
you can delid the RSX/CELL chips because (at least on phat models) they have shitty thermal paste below the heat spreader instead of solder like on the super shits


oh and be very careful if you delid it, the chance to fuck up is pretty much 75%, especially if you don't know what you're doing

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>How To Replace Video Games With Coding


Used laptop (obv) i found for 500 bucks, good deal or not? Idgaf that gaming laptop "suck" its all i can have rn
I3-9th gen
Rtx 2060
16gb ram
500gb storage (idk if its hdd or not)
Should i talk down the price or what? Tho ik alienwares are kinda shit but im good w a 2year lifespan even doey its used


if its an hdd run away
and i3 cpu is gay


I sent this a few days ago, if it's an HDD I would swap it for something else, these are also just fine for everything, albeit it's a few years old

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why should i learn anything about math past trigonometry
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>I must customize my radio waves like I customize my body
boring and irrelevant technology knowledge, I can spend $5 to buy chink one which is infinitely better than garbage you built at home because it was built industrially and not by a troon.


maths isn't real


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It's extremely useful for engineering, machine learning and myriads of other fields.

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>he's a developer
>for a FOSS project
>that is controlled by big tech (GNU, Mozilla, Linux, Apache, etc.)
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he closes bug reports he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has to dilate.
>he marks issues he doesn't like as WONTFIX because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
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Csh (the ancestor of features in all the shells you actually fucking use) was developed at the Berkeley campus of University of.California, albeit
>but clorifornia librul!
Retard, Redmond is in Seattle metro, Washington state, a West Coast state. And Seattle is within spitting distance of similarities with SF bay


PNW culture was and still is not the same as Cali culture.


Please refer to the educational video


neither of those states were really "liberal" back in the day


>my retarded clusterfuck is different from their retarded clusterfuck
filtered by Eastern Time Zone

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uh oh


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what does this mean


1 of 2 identical machines is cheaper and has marginally better performance. this is big news apparently even though 99.99% of users only write emails, author office documents, and browse the internet and will never use even 10% of the computing power contained in either of these machines.


1: you're buying a fucking latitude ultralight, what did you expect?
2: They're overpriced cause they add like double markup on upgrade SKUing when market price for 1tb is less than 100 shekels for that same tier SSD
3: They're trash cause macOS is retarded, there's a black box in there as far as you're concerned for tweaking (no voltage readings for u chuddy!), you can't install another OS unless you cuck and use virtualization or you troon out and use fucking Asahi, they run bullshit SoCs that can't run shit for programs without an emulator, their keyboards are low travel and an asinine layout that will have you misnaming key shortcuts for the rest of your life, and their price/performance really falls apart at the high end, just ask me and the fact I have a tiger lake i7-11800h laptop with an RTX 3050ti and 1tb storage for 1400 bucks… I have an M1 max MBP16 for 3500 bucks… They perform similarly. What the fuck?
Let alone desktops. That's a whole new tier of fucked up.

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