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C++ is such a great language that even C adopts some features from it.


I'd like C++ to remove all the C bullshit and actually focus on improving stuff people actually use in C++ projects today
>um uh just use [trannylang]


C has no features, so it's impossible to remove them from C++.
>inb4 he wants to remove functions or something


c++ 98 is the official language of agartha

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>Javascript frameworks
<pure Javascript
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White men actually use C++, Haskell and Kotlin.


PHP is jeet-tier garbage. Lua won.


bash is kino doe


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>PHP is jeet-tier garbage. Lua won.


never used Haskell nor Kotlin, usecase unknown


Is any liinux distro actually ready to be a home OS like windows or crapple
>inb4 you can totally heckin use linux just spend 1488 hours learning it goy!
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Troon voice


trvtherald. mint is the aryan's os


Any distro can be turned into a home if you have enough time!


Do you also complain about needing a driver's license to drive a car you fucking retarded nigger?


cattle who "don't have time" don't need a computer at home to begin with, they don't even deserve to own a house, they should be forced to live in company pods made for wagies so cut down costs on transport from home to work and thus cut down CO2 emissions, in fact workers should be banned from leaving their workplace for any reason, they should work to death

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>windows le bad or something
>linux le bad or something

what about pardus?


> Pardus is a Linux distribution developed with support from the government of Turkey. Pardus' main focus is office-related work including use in Turkish government agencies

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Dinosaurs did not exist
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oh nevermind



yeah they did!




no dude! they exist because science said so!

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Behold chuds, the average linux hater, this is what they look like:


Kek, Redmondsissies are never coming back to this board after this one.


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Linux: not even once.
He used troonix once and immediately customized his gender. This would have never happened if he exclusively used Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 10 Pro


>unlisted video
lintroons aren't even trying anymore

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wat do?
>linux for troon
>window spy on u
>templeos no spy no troon but not good for daily driver
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only niggers and trannies spend hours deliberating on what troontech they're gonna use for gooning


niggers use windows


buy an arduino and stop giving a fuck about this whole OS bullshit


Just use whatever you want. There is no good option


go back to 4cuck and cope about your imaginary 4cuck problems there

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Zipdrive won

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How is using an operating system that actively tracks your activity considered "aryan"?


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Do you not wash your windows?


well then use windows 10 ltsb with a windows 7 theme


does this guy really have gaming chair?
It's over linuxlarpertroons.

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