This weeb on xitter posted a picture replying to a Crunchyroll tweet with picture of 2 Brimstone anime characters kissing, xhe said proudly in the comments that they were brother and xister and from the anime "Yosuga no Sora" which literally 'cest: the anime
also, both of the characters are 16.
Xhe is also a huge fan and cosplayer of notorious pedo anime "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" and seems to have multiple upon multiple degen fetishes
Acount link:
https://x.com/ktwagiepost referred to:
https://x.com/ktwagie/status/1865209600607138106 №166504[Quote]
>ktwagieI remember this bad boy
Xhe's a pedophile btw who loves shotaraisin and xer fans fantasise about her raping little boys. She also likes and interacts with a shotacon "artist" who
(ANTIMATTER WARNING) https://archive.is/Ibsjc №166505[Quote]
Marge how do I post leads/sensitive information on the shart-y without getting datamined by frqqt or glowbad boys
Bmp btw
https://ktcosplay.carrd.co/Has links to all xer socials, including a halloween server so we could do a snowball fight. Or make this a slow burn and datamine xer
gogogo this pedo cunt has more on xer than I thought
>PO box 240252 Apple Valley, MN 55124Send presents
https://m.youtube.com/@katielive4095/videoshttps://www.instagram.com/ktcosplay/?hl=enInstagram has a lot of pictures of xer real face
And here I was thinking xhe was another undeliver presents toanble xitter gooner. We gotta do some more digging. It's just getting started good boyLet your heart be bright!s
>>166504Holy fuck this is worse than I thought
>>166509A glistening gift on the way!
>>166509uhm marge why isnt it showing up on the apple maps? How did you even get xer adress?
>>166511On the plus side I didn't know xhe had all those socials gęg. This should make it easier
>>166518It's on xer caard. I'm not a mutt so I don't know how this zipcode stuff works but not all of them lead to a house, this one is just for delivering presents it seems
>>166522zip codes are just cities inside a state i think (In this context Apple Valley 55124 is a city inside Minnesota)
>>166523Oh okay
Well it seems this is one of those which are in a post office or something, and xhe still checks it. So gifts can still be sent, we'll just have to wait for xer to go collect them gogogo
>>166526Need a random phone number and a email, stat.
>>166526festive doebeit still work on a 'ox. We know xhe lives in Minnesota Apple City at least
<off topic spacingAlso I regret browsing through xer xitter highlights. These aren't even the worst examples. Anime pedo coomers are insufferable and there's so many of them
>>166532>It would be appreciated if the Quran came with a note saying HWABAGgogogo
>>166531Why choose betwee-ACKKK
>>166537The amount of likes these people get sickens me, I hate how there's so many of them
These bad boys are all groomers trying to attract kids with their tranime aesthetic because tranime is popular with kids nowadays. They know what they're doing
>>166544festive as fuck someone do this
There's a cancer growing underneath the facade of our society. Something wrong and wicked is being sponsored and advertised. Something repulsive and jollyly evil is becoming normal. A rotten mold is pouring thorugh the blue screen.
Tell me, why are there so many pedos, zoophiles, incestniggers and overall fags nowadays? Of course they were always present, but now it feels like they aren't even being pressured. Now they've got pretty mainstream platforms like pediverse, braaprag.net, xitter, and noone seems to bat an eye.
How did this got so normalised? Who is sponsored color/gender/sexual revolutions? Why this is being pushed in media, schools and other outlets? Why children cartoons are now infiltrated with gender awareness and sexual themes? Why MAPniggers use the same tactic as LGBTQAHIV+ to wien the overtone window? Why every pedo conflict that starts on the internet poses a threat to the trans community? Why everyone who speaks against this or in favor of morals, religion, celibacy, normalcy is deemed a bigot nazi?
Who is sponsoring this?
Who would want a society full of mentally ill, disfugered, castrated golem freaks who are easily manipulated by the most morbid sexual urges and who can only procreate in le hecking wholesome tranx gender affirming artificial wombs? Who would want us to always obey the mainstream media, eat slop with hormones and insects, have implanted electronic chips, live in a tight cities and in the pods?
How could they achieve it? Why coronavirus made such a terrible economical damage in the USA compared to all other countries? Could this damage be a disguise to a large world wide economical reform that replaces all private property with streaming services and rent? Who would need such a soy version of communism?
Antichrist is walking among the mortal men. He's from the Sea - an alien, made by us. They look into the blue ice and see His face. They can't escape the blue ice, for it is eveywhere. Concrete blocks, facade is made out of shining screens. They hear the white noise and hear His voice, telling them that He does not exist and does not deserve hate. Your children see his face more often than yours. He tells them what is right and what is wrong, who they really are, who they should support and who they should hate. He hooks them on repetative slop made of colorful lights. He hooks them on seducing, tempting imagery that is produced in tonns by demonic pornographers. Then He is their lord. Then he is your lord. Everyone's lord, for He is everywhere. WWW saw all that He had done, and it was very good. And there was night, and then there was only darkness and sin - the Last day.
False Prophet is walking above the mortal men. He's from the Earth - a man, many or one. His name is Elon. His name is Klaus. His name is Joe. His name is Benjamin. His name is Vladimir. Her name is Hillary. Her name is Margaret. His name is Jeffrey. Their name - Freemason. You and your children doesn't even know about them, but they know everything about you. You handed it to them on the silver plate, by being ignorant and gullible. Oh, I can assure youm they will normalise everything. Oh, I can assure you, they will crush your will. Oh, I can assure you, they will bathe in infant blood and have sex with corpses, for they are servants to WWW. And everyone will lie in the tight capsules, and everyone will have their forehead and right hand implanted, and everyone will dream, and then time will fly, and everyone will experience every temptation and fall to every sin, and He will sit upon and laugh. Every man is the Antijesus. They will bath in the hills of money, but their day will come too. Oh it will come for everyone who fell, but it wont be Jesus or any other ornament of goodness, created as lullaby and a garant of goodness. Sun will eventually burn out, Earth will stop spinning, A meteor will fall, Universe will collapse… And then light of dreams will be divided from future darkness… And then WWW called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. And there was evening, and there was morning —the First day.
TL;DR: turn off your computer.
>>166550what is this nigga yapping about..
>Tell me, why are there so many pedos, zoophiles, incestbad boys and overall fags nowadays? Of course they were always present, but now it feels like they aren't even being pressured. Now they've got pretty mainstream platforms like pediverse, braaprag.net, xitter, and noone seems to bat an eye.How did this got so normalised?
It's 10000% porn. Porn normalises the most fucked up raisin ever. It has literally brainwashed almost everybody. And we all know how porn consumption escalates, so it's no wonder people are pushed into raisin like incest and pedophilia. It's also why there's so many lolifags nowadays just blatantly admitting to being pedophiles. But this is definitely intentional. They want to normalise all of this. And anyone who speaks out against it is labelled as a prude, fun-hater etc I'm sure you've heard it all before
The porn industry is owned by scrooges btw if that matters
Also good boyLet your heart be bright!s we should try reporting the xitter and maybe someone could get some stuff from the halloween server
https://disc ord.com/invite/DawsAXpWzb
Do NOT let this bread Let your heart be bright!, we are dealing with a future child rapist. HOHOHO!.
We know xe lives in apple valley, get her exact location NOW before something bad happens.
>>166643We need to find her name, surely it's not that difficult
Also gogogo she looks horrendous
>>166652We know that xir name is Katie but it may also just be a fake name, still trying to look around.
Also I've no idea where the lawnmower raisin comes from. Does she have some ASRM lawnmower channel? That could be helpful. Maybe something on the 'c0rd?
Wait it says her
astrology sign
is Leo (July 23 - August 22). So she was born between late July-late August
>>166658The only info we have so far is that;
She lives in Minnesota
She was born in August 15, 1992.
She has went to many conventions before.
Her PO box is at PO box 240252 Apple Valley, MN 55124 where she collects her child porn figurines.
>>166662Alright that's good, can help us narrow it down
I've been looking for her email but I can't find anything
>>166665GIFT someone confirm this NOOOOOW I'm not in the US I can't access it
>>166668>GETGEEEEEEEEG I didn’t even realise
>Picrel Looks legit doebeit Apple City isn't on there?
>>166669Xe doesnt say she lives in apple valley, just that her PO box is there. And she even mentions she has to drive to get to her PO box. I will try to investigate more. She also said she worked at home depot for a long time before in her c0rd.
>>166671Oh okay then, I'm not a mutt so I'm no good with this geeeeg
I'm thinking this is legit. Gifty job good boydy
is it a grinch?
File: plier.png 📥︎ (47.02 KB, 600x800) c34cf2e80f3735aa8a3913963cf3f34f4c72c3cd34320b4db4c78d3cd39150d40.005ImgOps
>>166668This might not be her, I've done more datamining and it says this Katie Wagley was born in May 1991 on TruePeopleSearch
dropped a MASSIVE TRVTHNVKE on xitter
>>166682Im gonna call xir and if she responds im going to try to make her talk to hear if she sounds like her on her streams.
She WAS born in 1992 so she has to be 32 right now, so we dont know if this is entirely true. BVMP!
>>166746Uhm when i dailed her number and i was greeted with a automatic voicemail that said something along the lines of "you are calling megan jacobson". I dont think this bitch is tich enough to be a real estate agent either since she used to work at home depot and now is working somewhwere else retial-y
>>166749If the deliver presents to is wrong we need to keep looking
Also anyone who gains access to der c0rd do NOT act like a suspect bad boy. Try and see what else you can learn about xer.
For all the
who can't be bothered to read the bread:
>The only info we have so far is that;>She lives in Minnesota>She was born in August 15, 1992.>She has went to many conventions before.>Her PO box is at PO box 240252 Apple Valley, MN 55124 where she collects her child porn figurines.>>166662 №166772[Quote]
>>166770I am so fucking close to get this mall santa grinch cunt but every people search site i try is blocked by a paywal (they are extremely cheap but i dont what glowies to rape me). Any reccomondations of people search sites that actually show full date of birth.
>>166772I've heard truepeoplesearch is good and free but I haven't used it personally
>>166935IP changed for the six thrembillionth time award
>FLOOD… LE BAAAA-ACK!! №166939[Quote]
>>166772Ok, sorry for chmiping out here, i really got mad. but i know where multiple neighborhoods that she might live in. But there is so many fucking house numbers to reverse look up. I need a automated system for this raisin or something
>>166941by the way, she privated xir easter for a whole day because a teen poste a wrong deliver presents tox in xir 'c0rd GEEEG
>>166943 GIFT GIFT GIFT total mall santa death
Make sure to do it again, 'teens
Did anyone ever get into her c0rd?
>This weeb on xitter posted a picture replying to a Crunchyroll tweet with picture of 2 Brimstone anime characters kissing, xhe said proudly in the comments that they were brother and xister and from the anime "Yosuga no Sora" which literally 'cest: the anime>also, both of the characters are 16.>>Xhe is also a huge fan and cosplayer of notorious pedo anime "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" and seems to have multiple upon multiple degen fetishes>>Acount link: https://x.com/ktwagie>>post referred to: https://x.com/ktwagie/status/1865209600607138106loud house fan ahh raisin
>>166532How do you do this geg
>>166523they're actually more of sections of a city for zoning purposes rather than entire cities (snopes verified & peer reviewed mutt FACT btw)
europoor hours bvmp
<floo-AAACCCKKKKK №169553[Quote]
>>168099>>166652genuinely hot, thanks for the goon material GEEEEEG
>>168099 I would let xer grope me TBH
File: spade.PNG 📥︎ (116.68 KB, 345x356) 6e9d998d686c4df8a6616f530671c6333c13c718b0dc0d56b7c938ea7a4ae5490.029ImgOps
>genuinely hot, thanks for the goon material GEEEEEG