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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (9.04 KB, 645x800) ImgOps


does it mean girls like you if they talk back and mock you?

If you are that ugly, why would they even bother wasting time even talking to ugly guys in the first place at all? if they mock you it means you have a slight chance or something?


don't hate me bc im beatiful


no good boy, tsunderes are not real.


Merry Christmas woelf spammer


take this nas coal off the 'log


Blatantly lying and secretly getting all of them for himself award.


File: Plier.jpg 📥︎ (12.72 KB, 191x255) ImgOps

I don't know.


File: op.jpg 📥︎ (41.96 KB, 411x381) ImgOps


kill yourself wojak spammer

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