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/pol/ - International Politics

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What’s the best way to die for isreal?
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Evandoe I'm sure you'd rather have the kikes dead


namefagcord above me



You are a literal discorder


Arent you a namefag also?


no the last time I namefagged was like 2 months ago on a /soy/ event for a few days

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What the fuck
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Pigortuguese bullying thread. My favourite


They were held as slaves by Western Europeans, Muslims and ever mongoloids. They are literally worthless subhumans


Marge???? Why there are so many independant slavic nations with militaries that can defend themselves nowadays????????? I must have missed something…. 2000 years of human history???? Maybe???? No, that cant be true at all… That CANT be TRUE!!!!!!


Oh but slave, none of that matters. Nobody cares.


That… Matters to… Historians? And not to you???

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CrimeanChud is a gooner btw


snopes? not that I like him he's another atheist cuck puppet


Kill all crimotatars

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>nick fuentes

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reminder that doing illegal stuff is bad and if you do you will go to jail someday


i agree


What if the person who commits crimes is a nigger so they instantly just get let out.


impossible, he must go to jail if he did illegal evil thing

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I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my raisin I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like


bro is now mr jizz 💀💀💀only in north dakota💀💀💀




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>us mudslimes are gay and hiv positive geg


wonder what that flag will look like 10 years from now


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classic gem


bone-chilling dystopian gem



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Guy who created /liberty/ here.
>reddit space
Just wanted to say I denounce the jarty and I endorse /hitler/.
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false flag or something


@FreedomTM got pinged




Democracy is retarded


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True yet uninspired take.

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british food
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no, it's quite old


>repeat the egg and flour process
repeat the egg and flour *and bread
like flour egg flour egg to make a structure that can hold egg
and the brad crumbs
and then into the pan

when i used to make this stuff i always made a ton of em at once, and then either put em in the fridge, or in the freezer
bc you have to have one plate for the egg, one for the flour, one for the crumbs, you lose some of that, and its a hassle to wash afterwards

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ty for the recipe. sounds yummy


youre welcome. im glad to share :)


and its really good.
and its easy to make its just that its a hassle to wash everything afterwards

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This is what armeniggers look like




Why do the ones at the top look so much like the soy wojacks on xitter11!1!1!1!!11 I'll be sure to show my wife's boyfriend, he loves soy wo jack's!


> I am a twittergod and i come from spva comment section


I thought someone would notice

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