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The only news (You) need to hear
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Donald John Trvmp becomes the 47th president today, becoming the second president to serve two non-consecutive turns. The inauguration can be watched but it has many SNCA namefags showing up for some reason before the orange man shows up.


>>2664 (OP)


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>>2664 (OP)


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Dear soyjak.party members, soyjak.party is supposed to close 22 January. 2025 because it has become too populated. There have been many members complaining that soyjak.party has become very slow. There are many active members of soyjak.party, but also many new members. We will send this message to see if the members are active or not. If you are active, please copy and paste this to 15 other users to show that you are still active. Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks will be deleted without hesitation to make more space. Send this message to all your friends to show that you are still active and that you will not be deleted.

Mexico is Germanic
Mexico is White
Mexico is the homeland of the White Race.

copy and paste this message into 20 breads to show your love for the aryan motherland






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shut up nigga what is this discord?


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Trump is literally the most jewish president ever. Cope and seethe


>Trump is literally the most jewish president ever. Cope and seethe

The Spick fuentes wrong about everything award goes to you

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