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In a speedy offensive, Syrian rebels have taken control of Damascus, forcing President Bashar al-Assad to flee the country. After six years of conflict from 2012 to 2020, the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) managed to achieve a partial victory over the rebels, only for the rebels to swiftly BTFO them 4 years later in only one week. This rapid shift in fortunes has placed Syrian Christians in a precarious position.


Why are we destabilizing the middle east again, bro they gonna do 9/11 2.0 to get at us for this if we keep funding terrorists for no reason


syrian rebels are whiiiite (they are nato aligned and most of nato is in europe and europe is white) and nigshar's forces are not
bashar is in moscow socialist fraternal kissing with putin


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well thats unfortunate for President Bashar al-Assad>>2217


finally, the rape cases in sweden will go away



um maybe that bashar guy should hang himselff


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>After six years of conflict from 2012 to 2020


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>Why are we destabilizing the middle east again, bro they gonna do 9/11 2.0 to get at us for this if we keep funding terrorists for no reason


christians in rebel-controlled idlib were already doing fine though


learn what a mistype is you fucking n1gger


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>umm, typing down "six" instead of "eight" is akshually just a typo!


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imagine how giftmy the news would be if 2000 more mutt goyim got annihilated doe


Assadists are literal fags, we should have bombed them years ago.

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