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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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 95282Quoteloop[Last 50 Posts]

I'll try to get everyone from all countries in this thread (impossible)


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O algo


Want me to go to slovakia?


you have 5 hours to anwser nigga, I need to buy a train ticket today if you want me to go




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Tomorrow, if you don't get austria and hungary by next week I might even get them both for you next weekend. Would already do it if I saw this thread earlier.


Do central europe sissies really?


>turkroach mind can't comprehand international rail system and fast and cheap travel between coubtries of the EU


Great, I wish I could also go to my neighboring country without getting torn apart by a pack of wild niggers or getting kidnapped


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Where is mah nigga?


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it do be better slowed down though


Ask on bharatchan.com for the jeet flag


It surprises me that we still lacking a poojeet


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We should get them to post on the sharty, they're gem makers




mexico is white




how are we going to get a cuban


omegle o algo



Gemmy thread




Can you cross el chaco and post from Bolivia? I don't think they have internet there though


I live too far from the Chaco to do that
It would be easier to ask argentinians from the north of their country, that zone is filled with bolivians o algo


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Add Iceland




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Oh my god I didn’t know there were teens there!


ok o algo


We have an active Dane on /pol/. Someone get Xer to post here now!


Thanks to whoever nigger did the shilling


We need a mongol and a north korean


There is a Cuban in this thread idk why he’s not talking


Too busy driving his G35 geeg


I can call my cousin from Mongolia to post here


Got me yet?


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hello neighboring chud








what the fuck why is it showing holand now XD


If it doesn't worn now than idk


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ok here you go, I'm going to go climb a mountain now.


Homeless gypsy begged me for money at a train station but other than that Slovakia is awesome


kurwa pepiks on 4chan were righ koffola sucks now, they put some fucking syrup instead of sugar now.




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>bosniak nationalists



Sure it looks lovely when you're not living in a paneláky and you're not making minimum wage


are you real JordanianGOD?


Truth, its like what Poland was like 15 years ago


Where is the kike?


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stop appropriating my culture


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You have to do your part and go to moldavia


i think he hasnt posted for 2 months already miss him hope palesissies didnt get to him :(


Ok, I'll see when I have the time, but remember that I did most of the shilling


But I'll try something else for now


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/Pol/and won doe


The trannies on the bus go up and down up and down


Go shill on BharatChan for the indian flag dude, what are you waiting for


someone do this, as it doesn't work for me


Did you get the US that ones very important


Btw I can't drive coz I'm colorblind so can't take my license


>Did you get the US that ones very important


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>>Did you get the US that ones very important


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raid I love bibisi/uttp


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>raid I love bibisi/uttp


chudraj is this you?


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Where should I shill?


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C'mon fags, show up, I know that there's a Georgian


Where is the burundian?


got his proxy banned o algo idk


im sure denmarkGODS posted here


>certified soy map
based japs and danes


what is ITT





window pics or proxycoal


we bolivians are white o algo


Still getting it, there is a hong kong nigga


Someone who has proxies should shill on 2chan to get a jap


A Swedish man told me to post here




post hand and timestamp


guys i swear to god if Sans kills me one more fucking time im going to get my copy of the Improvised Munitions Handbook read it and blow up my fucking house


theres a georgian on the 'ty add him


falsenuke it was me


Xin chào i speak esl up algo


Thank you very much


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You're welcome i'm very glad to be a member of this multicultural racially-diverse community 🏳️‍⚧️❤


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Long time ago there used to be a kyrgyz here, idk what happened to xer

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