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A banner for soyjak.party

/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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File: 88096 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (94.46 KB, 484x561) ImgOps


I'd like word with him.


He killed himself (probably)


The BVLLGARYAN killed him


summoning ruby or something


his last post was 4 days ago iirc


I found him in some obscure splinter 3-4 days ago, but I don't remember it.




he's doing satanic black magic, sick raisin, to bring lukyon to life


i am here


this domain is sadly impossible


File: sisa.png 📥︎ (21.63 KB, 500x700) ImgOps


oh yeah


I am the effort of a coordinated and focused autistic individual
willing to spend every waking hour of their life on it.
what did you want to say


beautiful neopronouns xister

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