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A banner for soyjak.party

/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (239.88 KB, 1689x1252) ImgOps


Is this accurate?


Who makes these images? I've seen one about Turkey in the same vain before.


Some guy on 4cuck int


I mvst make Poland version some day, but we have less varability. Just the number of German/Romanian admixture and Jewish ism't that significant.


Post it


File: Turks.png 📥︎ (220.05 KB, 1810x1276) ImgOps


File: 1729339808455n.png 📥︎ (32.04 KB, 481x418) ImgOps

Tfw balkan muhacir mom fucked a core easterner so now I'm ugly and have t50's


This image was probably made by a 4cuck pol dweller who had never been to Russia ever


raisin happens. You'll still probably find a wife.




Same with turkey. But still he's done a pretty good job on surface level


File: 85257 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (498.53 KB, 1280x720) ImgOps

>so loud you can hear them blocks away
буквальнo komputersem кoгда прoeбал катку в clash royale


File: 1730832651042q.png 📥︎ (72.97 KB, 382x281) ImgOps

No one looks like this


we look like that geeeeeeg


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (7.31 MB, 1759x2048) ImgOps


Cause he is a son of a nigger



kyle carrozza.


do siberians really look like that though? i always thought siberians looked like diet chinks


ethnic Russians live in Siberia too

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