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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

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should i lose weight or is it fine


This made me laugh out loud thank you




can I eat your ass and pussy please


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>there's f**ds on the sharty


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Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


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she's like bbc only


Is that a… FOID?????




OMGSISA date me


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Nas coal kys




Gain weight




Yep, looks like a Gem.


Also apart from >>2366 being a gem, your weight is perfectly fine with your current musculature but you probably shouldn't gain much more and if you ever become skinnier (as far as muscles go) you definitly should lose some fat too.


Also I think we should discuss the importance of self-perception/perceived attractiveness to other/fitness and strength as incentives to get fit. It seems to me a lot of people just do it for the looks.


I think there is also a strong disconnect between what men think is attractive to women (the very lean type) and what woman really want.


And what they really want is my cock, sorry /fit/roons


Tbh, I don't think me talking shit is going to stop the janny from banning me again for necrobumping.


Janny can you just move this thread to /nate/ and put it on loop, thanks in advance.


Janny, pls I will love and service you, but I need to do this and I'm not allowed here.


what's ur insta?


Janny pls


>it's real
stupid whore evendoe this is just from a pack
if this is true, if you got a nice ass dont lose weight and if you dont then do


marge what was it?


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your stomach looks a tad unpregnant


gay racoon furry cock vore brim


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Where's your cock?


it is fine


Gain weight


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you're perfect ou algo



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