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File: Male Height Chart.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (842 KB, 720x852) ImgOps


Any shortmaxers?


>5'7 is short
Jewish propaganda!!!!


geeeeeeeg chudcel cope



File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (93.53 KB, 679x911) ImgOps

I hate being a 5'10 caca


5’7” is objectively short if you live in the west
avg young adult male height is 5’10”
being 5’7” is the percentile equivalent of being 6’1” which is objectively tall so 5’7” is objectively short


I'm 5'8 aka the ARYAN height


>avg young adult male height is 5’10”
I think the average is something like 6'1" if you don't include the immigrants.


no most men just lie about their height
although height biases are different depending on where you are
i’m a legit 6’2” and im taller than like 95% of men
but at uni its more like 80-90% because people are a lot taller here than the national avg (probably because its known for sport)


Thank god there are elevator shoes. i fucking hate being 5'7


your height is probably 5'5 and your peen is 3cm that is why you were forced to transition geg


How much height do they even add? Should I wear them as a 5'10" manlet?


Average height for a white male aged 20-39 in the US is 178 cm (5'10) so >>1305 was right. Tallest country in the world is 6 ft 1⁄2 so 6'1 definitely isn't the average
But you have to consider that not everybody is white hispanics in US for example are 171 cm despite living in the same country. When you add countries like china and india to the equation 5'10 is pretty tall and 5'7 is pretty average


thinking about getting leg reduction surgery so that I can get into smaller caverns. Thoughts?


is that even possible? where would all the muscle go?


Actually it makes gaining muscle easier, they just repack that raisin


Imagine if everyone on /fit/ got height reduction surgery and we went on to live inside of mountains


honestly, a better life path than most of the popular alternatives


you're already manlets geg


You will never be 6ft, get over it


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File: dwarf.png πŸ“₯︎ (416.83 KB, 682x772) ImgOps

>below 5'5
take the DWARFPILL


Put 5'11 at the middle tier


why do people care about height? for ultra high t males they sure do care what women think of them geggg


File: 1727080202510k.png πŸ“₯︎ (20.78 KB, 190x255) ImgOps

Being 6'1 sucks, I wanna be 6'3 got tarnit


it was in the original meme whoever edited it made it include 5'11 geg


You ever dug ore boy?


File: Male Height.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (3.17 MB, 576x748) ImgOps

Found this one. It's better I think.


nah its just funny that red pill or macho men have to listen to the worldview that women make up


us 4'11 gnomes are white, lol


it is short


File: 1714408078718k.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.82 MB, 500x500) ImgOps

>>>1293 (You)
>it is short


What a pointless thread
The only thing that matters is if you are taller than 90% of women in your country which is anything above 5'7 (sorry 5'7 chud) for most white countries. It's out of your control, if you arent 6' you will get heightmogged sometimes its no biggie. Trust me tall people who use it as a crutch their entire life never end up happy.


I want to rape tall people in the ass


>t. 5'7


broooootal height blackpill



File: Short Man - Sidewalk Exper….mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (9.48 MB, 480x360) ImgOps

If you're short, you should just kill yourself. Even if you become a gymcel you'll STILL end up sub 200 lbs.


Damn man brutal


5'5, not even trying anymore


yeah bro, i've been putting it off for a long time, thanks for reminding me


How do short people exist just do a exercise that makes you taller.


i'm 5'10 and i will never let indoctrinated foids or insecure lankies convince me that it's short


I'm 5'10" too man, I think we're short.


i think you're insecure and i think you need to kill yourself


File: music wojak.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (32.41 KB, 735x460) ImgOps

I'm 5'5 and I'm content with being a little dwarf as long as it means I can lift big weight


I don't see being short as a bad thing and I don't care about height 99% of the time tho.


try being 5'7. you are not short


File: GTwc8h_bIAAVbNU.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (146.32 KB, 1200x1039) ImgOps


File: Reagarde.png πŸ“₯︎ (17.23 KB, 600x400) ImgOps

The world is designed for 5'10 Men, except for my Mazda 3


I think 5'10" is the most aesthetic sounding height ever.


It would take more effort for a taller, larger guy to move out of the way compared to a short guy so


File: FixedNAs.png πŸ“₯︎ (138.21 KB, 698x700) ImgOps

Yeah, it's great because i can look up to people, and i can look down on people. Women also say i'm tall, which is always nice to hear.


File: kinomusic.gif πŸ“₯︎ (319.95 KB, 339x400) ImgOps

Yeah it feels nice. Also most women think I'm around 6'0.


File: mesmilingirl.png πŸ“₯︎ (37.22 KB, 1500x1500) ImgOps




Hitlerian win


kys demoralized retard


How is that demoralized?


because you're insecure about being 5'10


You're not short you dumb retard, you're average height, when I was 5'10 never ONCE have I thought I was short.


sub-6'5 is esl


How did you stop being 5'10?


go up


He grew taller or his spine compressed.


im 5'2 and i will sneak inside your devices and make poopson


i'm a t50 with a peanut butter complexion and being tall is my halo


File: neutralplier eyebrow raise.png πŸ“₯︎ (100.84 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

i'm 5'9" and i don't say this though


accidentally kept bump in my email field


Checked gift


Ye, just compound lifts, martial arts, and ultimately not giving af


No one here has ever claimed to be an "ultra high t male"


But he got the hitler get so shut the fuck up.




>>1291 (OP)
geg you can tell the person who made this is 5'11


>>1291 (OP)
5'5'' Twink maxxer.
The instant I start balding I'll get on 'roids and dwarfmaxx


File: 1731248841664n.png πŸ“₯︎ (713.91 KB, 1746x1415) ImgOps

>twink maxxer


Tsmt, 5'8" hitler-maxxer btw.


UwU bb>>3538


that one video


I'm 6'0 and people still barge into me like that, it's a weight issue not a height issue


>over 6'1
>210 lb
Feels good man.


checked, what specifically are you




Yeah its not really about height but just your general dimorphism


>>1291 (OP)
I am 5'8.5" so I claim to be 5'9 and im about 5'10+ with shoes
>tfw 2 in short of 6'


File: squirrel its over deathbed….png πŸ“₯︎ (1.68 MB, 750x774) ImgOps

I'm 5'9" and I'm going to turn 17 in 4 months. I want to be at least 5'11" but I am projected to be 5'10" is it over for me?


since youre undoubtly male, you should know that you've reached the end of your growth. vertically atleast.


I BRUTALLY mog you as a 5'10 man


Ok well I'm not quite a man yet since I'm still 16


I'm 5'10 and I claim to be 5'10 I'm around 5'11.5 with shoes. Wish I were like 6'1 without shoes.


I was 5'9 at your age i'm 6'2 now

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