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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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Before and after thread?
Also here's a picture of my cat
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>just trust me blud BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP its me and my girl in ohio after i inject the goybulker 9999 lil bro


I see a difference, less skeletal and anorexic, healthier


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>>just trust me blud BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP its me and my girl in ohio after i inject the goybulker 9999 lil bro


but you're 180 and not 175
if you were 175 you'd be an incel


Is 5cm really that big of a difference

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I dont like eggs what do i replace them with
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eggs WABAG


I like to make cajun butter or cajun broth to eat hardboil eggs, they taste better


just learn to like them you obsessed autist


salmon,raw milk and ashwakanda
otherwise go with it

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We fucking won.


How much do you bench?


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190 lbs for 2 reps what about you soyslutta?


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Virginity is not a myth




sounds schizo

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is 6'3 closer to 6'0 or 6'6




Being 6'6" would be so cool.


To 6'0, simple maths o algo


it would be so awesome

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I have been lifting for 1 year 9 months and I am still fucking small I'm going to kms (176cm 62.7kg)
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by gay i mean gay fat pussies our gymbros who are gay r based as fuck bruh


eat food
if you cant do it have weed a few times to obtain infinite hunger then eat until your stomach expands then drop the weed


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more protein (0.8g/lb)
check bloods, raise test


Doesn't have good genetics award

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jaw and cheekbone implants, lefort/bimax and limb lengthening will be infinitely better for looking good then gymrotting
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>thinks the point of going to the gym is looking good
Doing things to appeal to others is the most soy thing possible


What is it then? I only go to the gym to look good so that my father won't mock me


what is the point then? it's not health because you niggers drink literal poison and take testosterone
what esle could it be?


brown people are literally biologically incapable of understanding why someone would want to push their body to its absolute limit.


the afformentioned things should really only be done if you are
a) rich
b) severely deprived in one of more of those areas and are willing to undergo a lot of pain to looksmaxx
if you have a decent face and are >=5’10” you’ll get few benefits

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Guys seriously I can die if I don’t get this dead skin off. What do I do.


Burn it off or just go to a doctor


Let it heal.


Cut off using a knife


go to a doctor you fucking retard

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guys, i currently weigh 210 pounds, how do i lose fat as fast as I can? should i quit all goyslop and eat non-goyslop foods? and which exercises is good for weight loss?
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For a weight loss diet not necessarily, forcing the body to rely on surplus (assuming OP has a high BMI) can produce results efficiently. But after the initial loss he should amp it up to 1400-1600 while making sure he exercises as much as he eats.


Stop eating for a week, only water, only eat plants for the next week, add meat to the third week, add carbs to the 4th week


If you have the constitution for it fasting is the quickest and easiest way. take electrolytes, and fast around three days a week until you reach your desired weight. Make sure you at least get in some cardio to reduce muscle loss, but ideally you should continue your workout routine while fasting.


Here's multiple principles for you to follow:
>cut out all junk food, fast food, sodas, sweets
>drink only water
>eat balanced meals without added sauces or fats, (carb, protein, greens)
>strength training regiment 3 times a week with a good base of cardio mixed into your sessions
>as weeks go by gradually increase intensity
You'll lose fat fast


Just eat 300 cal/day (preferably no goyslop), log ALL you eat into an app like loseit so you can have an accurate count. Helped me lose 10 kg so far

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>oy vey let me go onto the board designed for moralizing but its actually the most demoralizing coal out of any of the boards
i swear if i told you my weight or height than i would be laughed out of the sharty and told to just hang myself
this is not >we will always heckin make it
this is the /incel/ that we voted for, just in a different disguise
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>not all
I meant natural


so get fat? also no they said it mainly because i look really young for my age and i have longer hair


Also the guy in >>427 ate nothing but rice and bread. Pretty sure he unknowingly gave himself concentration camp torture. You need to eat balanced food.


No, I just said normal bw because I was underweight. When you work out you rip your muscles, to replace the fibers and build more your body needs a surplus of what you normally consume. It's what I mean by eat more, if you continue status quo and start working out you will see small progress. Eating is like the 50% of working out.


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oy vey let me go onto the board designed for moralizing but its actually the most demoralizing coal out of any of the boards

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