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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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>melanin is peaty


Niggers won

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Just hit legs today and I’m feeling great


Legs are my fav to workout tbh


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Haven't been able to have a great leg workout for the last 6 months because my fucking nigger of a gym owner removed the squat rack. I told him to bring it back and it'll like another 6 months.


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how much can you squat, nigga?

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should i blast steroids?


work out first

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r8 my physique
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


he's whiter than you


oh no no no does the raisinskin fpe jartcuck pedophile nigger mog




You are so fucking based



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I'm violently ill and coughing up chunks of my lungs and I was still able to deadlift 250 for 3 reps (not much but I'm still proud)

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>Oh my science, I love posting on da snarky snappy's /fit/ board!!!!!!!


gem. everyone on this b*ard looks like tjis and says this. gem working out will always be slave behavior. sootera aristocrat alphamale gods are tall with good bone structure and lean naturally we dont need this raisinty raisin board on the snarky

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Lynch short people, pulverize them with machine guns
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Is this a joke or are you serious


Im serious


Hope a helicopter chops your neck off, lanky.


As short people we need to live inside of mountains


Do this

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Reminder that people bashing /fit/ are unrionic soyboys/incels that the 'jaks make fun of





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I wanna go home after 2 sets should I start hopping on shekelsteins energy golem juice? (I’ve been training for almost 2 years and stagnating)

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