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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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i got /fit/ to attract girls but I'm still 6'3 (190cm for eurochads) and beautiful, but i immediately get asked for snap whenever i brag about my bench. Its almost like women do care how much i lift and dont only actually care about genetically determined factors like height, beauty, penis length etc and other factory like wealth and status

I'm feeling so happy right now because all that effort, all that pain, all that money spent has all been for everything.
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/fit/cucks… ohnononononono…


if you do it for your health then why do you eat goyslop and drink actual posion


marge? im talking about fitness it shouldnt be determined by wither you can get pussy or not it should be about health. its gay to have your actions only pushed by your desire to be liked instead of your willpower and desire to be healthy


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>Dating snapchat whores


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Sex is degenerate

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Delete this dead board

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I was bullied in school for not shaving my legs, did i go to school with a bunch of faggots?


Why did you allow homosexuals to bully you?


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They were the kool kidz…


Blvd grew up in california navvvv💀💀😭🙏

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What can i do to make sure i dont age like dograisin?
M/20 btw.


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basic skincare nigger


Don't be a dirty nigger and wash your face
Use sunscreen

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TSMT white men walk because they follow the law
niggers run because the police is after them 24/7


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>I don't run, that's cardio

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How do you get strong at home?
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no one responded with actual advice


do calisthenics idk


Push ups, pull ups, bodyweight rows and their variations for shoulders. Do some squats if your feeling fruity.


i'm a brokie and have been getting pretty good results from sandbags and calisthenics. i've spent less than $200 on my entire home gym (some DIY sandbags up to 70kg, gym rings, some bands).
look up The Stone Circle on youtube and follow his program.

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Meat is expensive where I live and I'm not liking how long it takes to cook. Is it realistic to replace all protein with eggs and milk? I like being able to boil 10 eggs in 10 minutes, combine with noodles or rice, and my meal I ready. If I do this, what am I missing out on with meat?
<anime spacing
I buy beef heart to save money since it's cheaper but even that is now pricy. I'm a poor student so it's something I can fix right away.
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Yes, you could do that


just buy precooked chicken or something nigga are you europoor


Don't know where you live where there isn't a cheap meat per pound like pork compared to eggs but yeah they pretty much have a similar amino acid (protein) composition.


This nigga is Turkish.

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cable rows BTFO any other use of that machine


but my gym only has 1 machine and it's always some cardiobunny or old man hogging it for 30 minutes so I just use the chest row machine or use a barbell

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Stuck in smallarmniggerhell but I trained my rear delts for the first time after my back workout.
Reverse pec dec flys worked totally well as well as some cable face pulls.


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Good luck, chief! I am rooting for you and your delts.


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thanks chad


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We're all chads here.

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Is the gym worth it?Like right now i am just doing push ups and train with stuff Like bottels but i am thinking about starting to go to the gym
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nice pits


the smell from those bushes my be delightful


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Unless you’re a fag or a swimmer, don’t do this.


solid arm for not going to the gym


Forearms and triceps
Your biceps have good insertions
Good job

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