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On a cut always eat with little spoons/forks


I need to lose my goyslop tits but i cant stop gulping pepsi


Pepsi's gross doe


could try getting small cups filled with ice and pouring pepsi into it so it takes longer to sip
(You) would also think you're drinking more pepsi this way due to displacement in the cup or something

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>Obtuse bigonial angle
>Recessed Maxilla
>Negative Canthal tilt
Should I just kill myself right now?

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Is there any way you can fix mouthbreathing-induced downward growth + slight recession? The only reason I mouthbreathed as a kid was because my nose was always blocked due to allergies and i wasn't told it was wrong until it was pretty much too late. I've been told to unironically mew and chew with my mouth closed.


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If you're not over the age of 20 (which I assume you aren't if you care this much about face) yeah mewing and good posture could help you
>KEK nusopas mouthbreath doe

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What's your cheat meal?

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Yes, I'm eating snacks, chocolate and sweeties to bulk up


Don’t eat goyslop to bulk, instead eat foods that are nutritionally dense while still being high calorie such as milk, peanuts, peanut butter, and cheese.


but what if you have like 4000 calories and you fill every macro/micronutrient and use goyslop to fill the rest of the calories

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Bulking is a meme. Being lean is life.
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ok stay dyel lol


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>Ok lanklet


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>>Ok lanklet


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>>>Ok lanklet


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I know have a chance to wear colored eye contacts without seeming gay, should I do it?


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Get laser surgery poorfag


>>1826 I've heard about that, I'll give them time to advance and commercialized before I go under the laser doe, I don't want to mess up my already raisinty vision


Why would you even do it nigger lmao


Why not?

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I ran today and lifted some rocks


nice one, working with nature

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What to eat to get stronger? I'm on a budget.


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eat enough cowdung

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there are (sadly) many jeets at my university
90% of them are about 5 foot tall and wear skinny jeans
imagine the mental trauma from existing




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make sure to mix cow dung with your curry. eat enough cow dung cakes.

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