>You fuckers were never honest. Making up apologies to save face, GEG. Fuck you and your stupid fucking board, you niggers and the 3rd force have single handedly ruined /dem/ and turned it into the deadest nigger baby ever, spamming under my name on /soy/, lying about me being a pedophile, lying about CobsonTALKS, all of you niggers. I'm fuckin telling you when the day comes and the raisin hits the fan that will be the only day you will be truly sorry, the sharty is a front company so Froot can whitewash his money and evade taxes. This website isn't what you think you little raisinskin SEAmonkey, you will all perish. I'm gonna piss and kill everyone here and nobody will stop me. Get it through your thick skull.
>>its not a moral issue
>it is, you are ruining the quality of this site. If you fuckers didn't do it, /soy/ wouldn't be under spam and coal, and /dem/ would be alive and everything would've been perfect. But no, "MY HECKIN' EVIL PLANZZ TO OVERTHROW DER GOLDEN ORDER", yeah really funny thanks for ruining the sharty. Now go back to /gem/ talking about how much I looove to leak my clitty or something and that I am a sperg and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia since 19 oh yeah thats so true amirite I dont have fucking schizophrenia that was a "possibility". Fuck you and your bullraisin board that only produces brimmy dust. Why isn't being part of /gem/ counted as rule 3?
>>its not that deep
>then why go through all this obsessive effort just to get me taken down? I don't give a raisin if the "3rd force" is real or not, because you were all actively participating in that raisin for sure. Pieces of raisins like you need to die so badly please Jesus strike this nigger down I need him dead I want you dead so badly. I want to kill you I want to kill you please let me kill you why wont you die come to my fucking house please so I canstab you to death Bergredder 36, BarsbΓΌttel, Germany ill finish you forever you will not come back
new 'toss