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A banner for soyjak.party

/craft/ - Minecraft

Official home of soycraft 2.
Password (For file deletion.)

Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (1.4 MB, 1485x846) ImgOps


ALTHOVGH the server is a dead bad boy baby of a server

ALTHOVGH this is a fake and krampusy larp o algo

ALTHOVGH i am ESL (English as a Second Language) from Argentina

WE VILL bvild a walkable xitty at coordinates -1795, 1470 to revive the server since it's a good location with multiple walkable villages already. basically everygood boy can participate and build walkable beedoubleyoosees so do this ok?


sounds fun. I might sooner or later. Modded or vanilla server?


File: 2024-12-07_17.38.06.png 📥︎ (384.48 KB, 1440x877) ImgOps

File: 2024-12-07_17.31.30.png 📥︎ (280.45 KB, 1440x877) ImgOps

already made my contribution.




File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (1.6 MB, 1906x981) ImgOps

>baited nobody award
>brapsplosion didn't even do 1 (uno) heart of damage to me



second time he falls for this btw

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