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Hello Niggas. I Humbly Request A Rollback Because Of This Retarded Nigger Of A Duelling System. I Have Lost All Of My raisin Including My Bow Due To An Error In The Code Causing Me To Drop All Of My Items Upon Dying In The Midst Of A Duel


Wtf is this ugly tranny typing quirk
>I saged this btw


What's your username? I'll restore once we will both be on at the same time. If you want a quick response just PM on the blog.


>What's your username? I'll restore once we will both be on at the same time. If you want a quick response just PM on the blog.
Is this nigga really this retarded?


Geg I didn't see the name. Sorry. I'll restore the items once we're on both Sinai.


Typing Like This usually catches people's attention, as for example, you


forgot to quote fuck

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