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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

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delete this server it just lets offsiters prosper


delete every board except for /soy/ /raid/ /jew/ /6/


even doe pog is IAS gem


kys newfog


kys offsiter

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>8 players online during peak mutt hours


also its sunday lol


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it is at 20 now DOE


dead server


>you needed a streamer to play on the server just to get back up to what the server was averaging just one week ago
holy raisin you fucking legend

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'tone please 'tone please save us please 'tone please save us we need you 'tone please 'tone please save us please

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>grief reverted nearly instantly, no lasting implications even 15 minutes later
>banned from soycraft (they have nothing else in their lives)
>items wiped
but yea bro, you won.
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two copes and a seethe


lol, grindtrannying on a dead server that will never be mainstream and will be deleted within 3 months is nice isnt it? lame ass faggot


Playing to show off to strangers instead of to just have fun with friends isn't the own you think it is bud


grieftranny that nobody likes award
either sucks sonoros dick or is sonoro sucking dick award


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I am Sonoro btw

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We're raiding this faglord (Zwei) rn and xhe's now making alt accounts so xer power doesn't drop low enough. Also xhe's killing randoms at spawn with uranium (no war declaration) and griefing government buildings. Get him out


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Xhe's at 40 power now because of alts. Since you gave neutral buildGODS everything they wanted, you WILL:
1. Ban all alt accounts that are in a faction and ban anyone who does it again
2. Get a plugin to destroy obsidian with TNT (ExplodeAny does that)

Currently, every aspect of Factions is neutered. Even without the alt-account bullraisintery, you can break obsidian in some way in almost every single factions server. For everyone's convenience, I suggest doing the TNT thing rather than mob griefing, but it's up to you


Good, time to abuse neutral factions to build a stockpile of TNT and when everyone is sleeping, change to hostile and blow everyone up


neutral faction griefs are illegal and get reverted

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mist, wind this mf too all my raisin because of a duel glitch


nigga what glitch this faction plugin sucks


when mods get on just ask for a rollback, also you need to actually explain what happend in your post nigga



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I think almost every player wants this rule to be a thing, it is for the better good of the server to have something like this especially without any /tp commands. It IS NEUTRAL territory and you VILL like it.


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I want to remind that using alt accounts to increase the power of your faction is, as you MIGHT guess… NOT allowed! I think it is somewhat fair that we have a rule like this!

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We need to repopulate a lot of the northern spawn regions again because everyone who once lived there moved away or something
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nigger the server is half-dead, who do you wanna to repopulate it with, tiktok migrants?


let's hire 'jeets to play soycraft


do this


Station brappage will continue until freedom improves.


freedom from whom, my dear pdbq?

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uploading an image


All of them are incompetent power tripping faggots, DOE


CHUD, Engine, LaWhichCraft, and Baritone were FAR better, absolutely no competition.


engine is a pedo doe
the rest are WAYYYY better though


You switched the things around

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i was building the colossoyum and Zwei tossed a radiation thingy at me, i exploded as soon as it got picked up into my inventory and i lost all my gear as a result
why the fuck is this even a thing

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