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/bp/ - Petroleum

Reimagining energy for people and our planet

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Niggers im not a bot.

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>Keep buying oil, goy. Don't look for any alternatives for fuel


why do the kikes keep telling us to throw away the oil and buy wind then

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chuds lost, furGODS won.


>>40526 (OP)
kek furfags really have gay porn on their board


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Yes. We do.


"And the Augurs growled with anger and accused her of many things. And Emperor Crasa asked again, 'Have you no answer? Do you not see the charges brought against you?'

And Elbaroda said, 'Do as thou must. Let the scriptures be fulfilled. But verily, I say unto you: I am the Daughter of God, and no man nor woman nor any child should fear me. But after my day shall come the Son of Man, and every man and every woman and every child should fear him, for he shall unleash dark arts. The winds shall stink of brimstone and abominations shall march the Earth. Lo, the lands shall be blighted and nations be put to the flame. Let him be called the Harbinger, for when the Son of Man comes the Day of Judgment is nigh.'

But the Augurs and the Senate and the Emperor laughed and shook their heads. For they did not understand, and their hearts were hardened."

Gospel of Nom, 17:7-14, Passion of Xof Elbaroda


"And the Augurs growled with anger and accused her of many things. And Emperor Crasa asked again, 'Have you no answer? Do you not see the charges brought against you?'

And Elbaroda said, 'Do as thou must. Let the scriptures be fulfilled. But verily, I say unto you: I am the Daughter of God, and no man nor woman nor any child should fear me. But after my day shall come the Son of Man, and every man and every woman and every child should fear him, for he shall unleash dark arts. The winds shall stink of brimstone and abominations shall march the Earth. Lo, the lands shall be blighted and nations be put to the flame. Let him be called the Harbinger, for when the Son of Man comes the Day of Judgment is nigh.'

But the Augurs and the Senate and the Emperor laughed and shook their heads. For they did not understand, and their hearts were hardened."

Gospel of Nom, 17:7-14, Passion of Xof Elbaroda

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😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘🥰😗😙😚🙂🤗🤩🤔🤨😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮💨😮😯😪😫🥱😴😌😛😜🤪😝🤭🤫🤔🤐🤨😤😡😠🤬😈👿💀☠️👻👽🤖🎃😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐵🙈🙉🙊🐶🐕🐩🐺🦊🦝🐱🐈🦁🐯🐅🐆🐴🐎🦄🦓🦌🐮🐂🐃🐄🐷🐖🐗🐽🐏🐑🐐🐪🐫🦙🦒🐘🦏🦛🐭🐁🐀🐹🐰🐇🐿️🦔🦇🐻🐨🐼🦘🦡🐾🦃🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🕊️🦅🦆🦢🦉🦩🦚🦜🐸🐊🐢🦎🐍🐲🐉🦕🦖🐳🐋🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🦀🦞🦐🦑🐌🦋🐛🐜🐝🐞🦗🕷️🕸️🦂🦟🦠🌵🎄🌲🌳🌴🌱🌿☘️🍀🎍🎋🍃🍂🍁🌾🌻🌼🌷💐🌹🥀🌺🌸🌙🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙🌚🌛🌜⭐🌟💫✨☀️🌞🌤️🌥️🌦️🌧️⛈️🌩️⚡🌨️❄️☃️⛄🌬️💨🌪️🌫️🌊💧💦☔☂️🌈🔥💥💫🌍🌎🌏🌐🗺️🏔️⛰️🌋🗻🏕️🏖️🏜️🏝️🏞️🏟️🏛️🏗️🏠🏡🏢🏣🏤🏥🏦🏨🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏯🏰💒⛪🕌🛕🕍⛩️🕋⛽🚦🚥🚏🗿🎠🎡🎢Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘🥰😗😙😚🙂🤗🤩🤔🤨😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮💨😮😯😪😫🥱😴😌😛😜🤪😝🤭🤫🤔🤐🤨😤😡😠🤬😈👿💀☠️👻👽🤖🎃😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐵🙈🙉🙊🐶🐕🐩🐺🦊🦝🐱🐈🦁🐯🐅🐆🐴🐎🦄🦓🦌🐮🐂🐃🐄🐷🐖🐗🐽🐏🐑🐐🐪🐫🦙🦒🐘🦏🦛🐭🐁🐀🐹🐰🐇🐿️🦔🦇🐻🐨🐼🦘🦡🐾🦃🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🕊️🦅🦆🦢🦉🦩🦚🦜🐸🐊🐢🦎🐍🐲🐉🦕🦖🐳🐋🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🦀🦞🦐🦑🐌🦋🐛🐜🐝🐞🦗🕷️🕸️🦂🦟🦠🌵🎄🌲🌳🌴🌱🌿☘️🍀🎍🎋🍃🍂🍁🌾🌻🌼🌷💐🌹🥀🌺🌸🌙🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙🌚🌛🌜⭐🌟💫✨☀️🌞🌤️🌥️🌦️🌧️⛈️🌩️⚡🌨️❄️☃️⛄🌬️💨🌪️🌫️🌊💧💦☔☂️🌈🔥💥💫🌍🌎🌏🌐🗺️🏔️⛰️🌋🗻🏕️🏖️🏜️🏝️🏞️🏟️🏛️🏗️🏠🏡🏢🏣🏤🏥🏦🏨🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏯🏰💒⛪🕌🛕🕍⛩️🕋⛽🚦🚥🚏🗿🎠🎡🎢Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘🥰😗😙😚🙂🤗🤩🤔🤨😐😑😶🙄😏😣😥😮💨😮😯😪😫🥱😴😌😛😜🤪😝🤭🤫🤔🤐🤨😤😡😠🤬😈👿💀☠️👻👽🤖🎃😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐵🙈🙉🙊🐶🐕🐩🐺🦊🦝🐱🐈🦁🐯🐅🐆🐴🐎🦄🦓🦌🐮🐂🐃🐄🐷🐖🐗🐽🐏🐑🐐🐪🐫🦙🦒🐘🦏🦛🐭🐁🐀🐹🐰🐇🐿️🦔🦇🐻🐨🐼🦘🦡🐾🦃🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🕊️🦅🦆🦢🦉🦩🦚🦜🐸🐊🐢🦎🐍🐲🐉🦕🦖🐳🐋🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🦀🦞🦐🦑🐌🦋🐛🐜🐝🐞🦗🕷️🕸️🦂🦟🦠🌵🎄🌲🌳🌴🌱🌿☘️🍀🎍🎋🍃🍂🍁🌾🌻🌼🌷💐🌹🥀🌺🌸🌙🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙🌚🌛🌜⭐🌟💫✨☀️🌞🌤️🌥️🌦️🌧️⛈️🌩️⚡🌨️❄️☃️⛄🌬️💨🌪️🌫️🌊💧💦☔☂️🌈🔥💥💫🌍🌎🌏🌐🗺️🏔️⛰️🌋🗻🏕️🏖️🏜️🏝️🏞️🏟️🏛️🏗️🏠🏡🏢🏣🏤🏥🏦🏨🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏯🏰💒⛪🕌🛕🕍⛩️🕋⛽🚦🚥🚏🗿🎠🎡🎢Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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this is your mindset, furfags…




its true tho

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Post anthros, discuss anthros, draw anthros, have fun
Porn and spam will be deleted
52 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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fuck, i need to fuck this.


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imagine if we all pooped and it like smelled really good and we made it into a mixture and fed it to THE FAGGOT THAT STOLE THE FUCKING GET


irc won


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