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Just curious how many of you have been dicked down by BBC? I know I can't be the only one who has been brave enough to take a BBC and see the truth up close and personal.

I've sucked off three bbcs and been fucked by two bbcs. Definitely trying to get my numbers up and want to have a double digit count by the end of the year.

So how about you all?

I'm also looking to take two or more at a time or in a row.

If you guys haven't done it yet, just holding such a powerful and large black cock is truly an experience. Tasting it and being stretched by it is also as well.


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GEEEEEG FROGCUCKS WHAT IS THIS!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!???


Least faggy frogposter award


Uhhh frogposters your response?


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I'm a fan of Makorays, and since this place is pretty homogeneous I thought I'd say something after following this thread over the past few hours:
I was fully prepared when I joined to be mean, get in some spitting matches. just really "own the weird-talking losers on Temu 4Chan" or such.
But after reading the thread, I think I know that's not going to help anyone on either side, so I felt being genuine might be better.
And I know, I know, the instinct right now is to just brush me off, reply with one of your many reaction images, call me some array of insults and be on your way.
Which is fine I suppose, it doesn't really negatively effect me in the long run. That said, for those who do actually read this, know that I am being honest here.

Scrolling through all these messages and seeing you guys go on and on about wanting to reveal Mako's information or saying other violent things, what some of you said about various religions, races, ethnicity, what have you; my immediate thought was just: "Isn't this a bit much?"
Like it genuinely didn't make sense, like throwing a bucket of water to try and extinguish a candle. There was a disconnect of extremeness.
He was just making a video telling people that even if they feel bleak it's no reason to give up hope and to try and focus on self improvement.
Even if there's disagreement on it being warranted in the first place, there was really no like, harm in the message?
He wasn't trying to get people to protest or uprise or so on, he was just saying to those who might've been scared "There's probably no need to worry, take care of yourself".
So how did that lead to organized harassment? It just didn't make any sense from my perspective.
But thinking on it, I believe you guys truly, genuinely, think the response was justified.
And I think, and again this is just my take, I think you guys might just be afraid and not really realize it.

I know, Ironic given the video was about telling people to not be afraid.
And obviously I don't mean you're afraid of some virtual catboy on youtube.
I think it's more psychological than that, primal even. You guys are afraid in the same way someone is afraid of the dark. An entirely rational fear.
Of course, the dark in itself isn't scary, but it's the idea that a wolf or such could be out there watching you, ready to pounce, and so you jump at the snap of a branch.
Because a broken branch means something had to have broken it, which means it could be a wolf, and it's better to assume a wolf than assume its, like, a squirrel or whatever.
If you think it's a wolf and jab your spear out into the dark and, lo and behold, it is a wolf then well you just saved your life and probably the lives of some of your tribe.
If you think it's a wolf and jab your spear out into the dark and it's a squirrel then, well, you killed a squirrel which isn't a big deal.
But you could also think it's a wolf, jab your spear into the dark, and find it stabbing one of your tribe's kids who wanted to see you. and that's obviously not good.
Of course this isn't about the dark and wolves, this is the whole entire modern world and the idea of the Enemy.

I knew someone who suffered from paranoid hallucinations and it was honestly really enlightening to hear about how he lived. He described how if he hallucinated like, a UFO floating over him then he could usually just ignore it, even with paranoia he was able to logic out that a UFO probably wasn't abducting him because he could just sit there and nothing would happen and the hallucination would eventually go away.
What he struggled with was the idea there was a chip in his brain and the government was tracking him with it. The reason that set him off was because he couldn't really prove the negative.
How does he prove there ISN'T a chip in his head? The government already spies on people, and people put chips on pets, so it's not physically impossible.
And if he went to the doctor to get an x-ray then couldn't the doctor be in on it or the chip be hidden somehow. And it's not like he could really check himself.
The problem wasn't that it was improbable for it to be true, it was that it was impossible to disprove.

Those both are where I think this fear of yours comes from. You have this deep-seated anxiety that SOMETHING bad is out there.
But instead of taking the Flight option of complete isolation or cowering (those Mako is addressing in the video for example), you chose Fight, and boy did you guys choose Fight.
You needed an Enemy to exist. Not just like, someone you dislike, you needed an Enemy, capitalized.
Because if there was an Enemy out to end you, or ruin your way of life, or take away the things you love then your fears are justified.
The Means justified the Ends, you were afraid there was an Enemy and so every facet of your primal instincts made sure you found one.
If you didn't have an Enemy after all, it could mean your crazy or something, and that would be abnormal, and being abnormal is bad for the tribe, tribes have to stick together.
So people would make the pure evil Enemy be an opposing tribe, or the Fae, or the forces of Satan, or so on. As the world grew bigger and less fantastical, so necessarily would the fictional Enemy.
And so that's why you guys still see the Enemy everywhere you look. Your brain pieces together every strand it can to try and prove things like religions trying to invade your culture, or trying to go for world domination, that people of color are dangerous and want nothing more than to hurt you and your loved ones, or that all trans people are one big cabal trying to collectively sexually assault minors.
And in a world where all of that be true, it is completely rational to be utterly terrified.
It doesn't matter that the odds of all or any of that being true is improbable (People have a hard enough time doing group projects with a team of four after all).
It just matters that you, personally, cannot prove it's Impossible.
And because it MIGHT be a wolf, it's best to assume it's a wolf, regardless of any squirrels or bystanders who may get hurt in the process.
And because everyone else in the tribe also can't admit that it might not be a wolf, the need to be Normal overrules, and so the tribe all stab at a wolf that might not even be there.

That's why I think you reacted so harshly.
It wasn't anything Mako did specifically, it was because he was part of the Enemy in your eyes. He was emblematic of those that you deemed to be the ruiners of your world.
In your eyes, you were the ones on defense. This was the Enemy showing one of its many faces, and so you had to strike it down before it hurt that which you loved.
A genuinely human reaction.
But it's not real.
Mako isn't some front-runner to the trans cause, namely because he isn't even trans. He's just a human being who wanted to help some other human beings who felt unsafe.
And you, some more human beings, were also in a way acting to help others because you too felt unsafe.
You just chose a more aggressive approach.

I don't think there is an Enemy, I genuinely think most humans are just acting for the best of their presumed Tribe. Whether that be their Family, their Friends, their Country, their Religion, their Party, what have you.
No one wakes up in the morning and thinks "I wish to make the world a worse place".
Even selfish people are acting for the benefit of themself and not just for the deficit of others.
I know the world can seem scary, and that some people will oppose you, because they will. But most people are just that, people.
The aforementioned spiel doesn't just apply to the people in this thread after all, everyone on all sides of the globe are susceptible to fear.
It was just the sheer number of Enemies you guys see that made it so glaring to me.

With that, I know most of you are probably thinking up some simple retort or cliche to brush this off and as stated, that's fine.
But I hope that maybe one of you actually read this and at least let the thought sit there for a moment.
I know it's in opposition to a lot that you believe and it's been well proven humans have a really hard time considering differing views like this.
But I choose to believe the world is not as scary as one might think.
You don't need to fight all the time.
You don't need to be the hero by making everyone else the villain.

That's pretty much all I have to say on the matter.
Thank you to any of you who did read this and at least thought about it, even if it didn't stick.
I will now return to my tribe where we at least some of us try to face fear with an open mind.
Someone saw a wolf and made it Man's Best Friend after all.


I never even talked to a nigger


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>frogposters are unironic bbc sluts
You cant make this raisin up


I've had 3 BBCs. One was pretty disappointing but the other 2 were great


frog XD :3

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