Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 19:37:59 № 75483 [Quote]
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 20:09:25 № 75485 [Quote]
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 21:17:57 № 75545 [Quote]
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 22:34:19 № 75550 [Quote]
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 23:26:40 № 75566 [Quote]
>>75564 Posted a selfie of yourself award
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 23:35:16 № 75569 [Quote]
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 23:45:10 № 75573 [Quote]
Page 1
Chud 01/18/25 (Sat) 23:57:36 № 75576 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 00:07:26 № 75577 [Quote]
>>75576 Downies (which is what monicucks are)
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 00:07:39 № 75578 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 00:08:10 № 75579 [Quote]
Up flood up Sopskdjcof9ejw9w9385u
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 01:15:59 № 75595 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 01:56:34 № 75610 [Quote]
>>75595 I don't think so :3
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 02:13:04 № 75617 [Quote]
Lets get this thread back up
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 02:29:38 № 75620 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 02:39:23 № 75625 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 03:31:38 № 75635 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 04:14:19 № 75638 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 04:21:40 № 75661 [Quote]
>>75638 Stop bumping this, it's not even anime
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 04:22:18 № 75665 [Quote]
>>75661 Please just leave obsessed fag!
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 04:45:40 № 75668 [Quote]
File: slf singing.png 📥︎ (308.87 KB, 750x556) c8f9cb24bd93d174cf4236b7d0ec2e9f716c999b25365264b78464f0db0c1245 0.083 ImgOps
>>>75661 (You) >Please just leave obsessed fag!
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 06:49:29 № 75674 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 07:19:42 № 75677 [Quote]
>>75675 >4 minutes ago I have ultra instict here
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 08:51:39 № 75680 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 08:53:29 № 75681 [Quote]
>>75680 Why are you so obsessed with bumping this NAA
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 08:53:39 № 75682 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 08:54:27 № 75683 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 09:10:27 № 75684 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 09:10:29 № 75685 [Quote]
>>75683 As long as the sun, the earth and the moon exist, I will never stop saging this thread
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 09:26:43 № 75686 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 09:33:21 № 75687 [Quote]
>>75686 Nope
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 09:35:18 № 75688 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:00:48 № 75689 [Quote]
>>75688 Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do! >:D
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:02:31 № 75690 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:35:01 № 75691 [Quote]
>>75690 Naughty naughty >:}
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:36:24 № 75692 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:37:46 № 75694 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 10:53:17 № 75696 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 20:14:10 № 75715 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 20:32:26 № 75717 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 20:36:53 № 75718 [Quote]
>>75717 No :::::::::::::::::::::::)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 20:45:04 № 75719 [Quote]
Whoopsie :P
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 20:46:09 № 75721 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 21:00:33 № 75722 [Quote]
>>75721 Why so obsessed? :)
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 21:05:47 № 75724 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 22:02:38 № 75733 [Quote]
>>75724 Haven't learned your lesson, have you? :)
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 22:19:19 № 75748 [Quote]
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 22:31:50 № 75750 [Quote]
>>75749 >>75748 Xhe's a dyke btw
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 22:34:49 № 75751 [Quote]
Meds ^ she is also real btw
Chud 01/19/25 (Sun) 23:08:34 № 75755 [Quote]
>>75751 Xhe is "pansexual", whatever that means
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 00:00:47 № 75761 [Quote]
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 03:26:03 № 75776 [Quote]
File: download (1).png 📥︎ (65.07 KB, 785x1000) a2306cc786baf3939daea33174e5987932514c8689b7b63848d119c67639ef39 0.087 ImgOps
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 03:33:14 № 75777 [Quote]
File: shemmymutt.png 📥︎ (23.21 KB, 888x849) ee95804a1ffd5e21584f616e7da4608123dbb78cae9cd6595a79a9680de19817 0.02 ImgOps
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 04:36:22 № 75780 [Quote]
File: image.png 📥︎ (14.04 KB, 126x122) 5d2c8f4c62bc8719b8b11f25c2d37e1a35d2f82d17c641fc360adfa0bc874b43 0.002 ImgOps
erm ackshually monika doesnt love the player she just wants to exist in the real world and is using the player as a means to get there tl;dr you fell for a fictional characters manipulation tactic
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 05:21:25 № 75787 [Quote]
File: shemmykike.png 📥︎ (728.96 KB, 1200x1200) 1d19053825833c8bd43cb4e339c3d49ee6db61c3fbcfe65e83490b4c526c6a78 0.038 ImgOps
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 06:50:53 № 75788 [Quote]
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 08:38:34 № 75790 [Quote]
>'gated Nope :/
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 08:43:13 № 75791 [Quote]
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 09:30:03 № 75794 [Quote]
>>75791 Your waifu is a faggot
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 12:17:00 № 75798 [Quote]
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 16:48:58 № 75802 [Quote]
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 18:34:48 № 75808 [Quote]
I goddamn love her
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 18:35:35 № 75809 [Quote]
reported for rule 2
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 19:02:06 № 75816 [Quote]
>>75811 >>75814 Reported for pedophilia
Chud 01/20/25 (Mon) 19:08:54 № 75817 [Quote]